OTBI Usage Real Time


Provides real-time information on user trend, subject area and analyses usage pattern. Compared to OTBI Performance Real Time subject area, this subject area doesn't contain report execution details such as errors, database SQL, report or SQL execution time. With less data, this is a simpler and ligher-weight subject area to analyze user, report and subject area usage pattern. This subject area contains six-month OTBI execution data.

Business Questions

No applicable business questions

Job Roles

The following job roles secure access to this subject area:

Duty Roles

The following duty roles secure access to this subject area:

Primary Navigation

Not available

Time Reporting

The subject area can be used to report on history data.

Time dimension is linked to "Time"."Report Start Date".

Transactional Grain

This subject area returns data at the grain of a query execution.

Special Considerations

Use this subject area to query user, report and subject area usage pattern.