
Provides information on person level seniority dates. You can report on the common dimensions associated with the person assignment. However, the assignment information is limited to the primary assignment of the worker's primary work relationship. The subject area returns only the current assignment information of the worker and no historical information. It is important to note to pull up the seniority rule name along with the worker information in the query; otherwise, the data is aggregated across all the person level seniority rules.

Business Questions

This subject area can answer the following business questions:

Job Roles

The following job roles secure access to this subject area:

Duty Roles

The following duty roles secure access to this subject area:

Primary Navigation

My Client Groups > Person Management > Worker > Personal and Employment Info > Seniority Dates

Time Reporting

Provides only the current data of the worker seniority

Time dimension is linked to NA.

Transactional Grain

Provides data at the grain of the person and seniority rule

Special Considerations

The prerequisite to report on this subject area is to calculate the seniority dates for the worker through the application or through the ESS job named Calculate Seniority Dates. It is important to note to pull up the seniority rule name along with the worker information in the query otherwise the data is aggregated across all the person level seniority rules.