Provincial Medical Report

The Provincial Medical Report details the provincial medical premiums employers in these provinces must remit to the Provincial Medical Carrier.

  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • Ontario
  • Newfoundland and Labrador

Employer premiums are calculated within the report by multiplying the provincial subject wages for the period by the rate defined for the account, less any exemptions if applicable. This report helps Canadian employers file their provincial medical premium remittances. The time frame to remit payments depends on the province and the size of the employer.

Payroll Managers and Payroll Administrators can use the Run Provincial Medical Report task from the Regulatory and Tax Reporting work area to generate the report.

The Quebec provincial medical liability (Quebec Health Services Fund) calculated during the payroll process is reported on the Statutory Deduction Register. Since the liability is calculated during the payroll run, Quebec isn’t included in this report.

Before You Run the Report

Complete these tasks before you run this report:

  1. Set up the requisite provincial medical data at the payroll statutory unit (PSU) level.

  2. Run the Payroll Calculation and Payroll Archive processes.

Report Parameters

Payroll Flow

It is the name of the payroll flow and is required.

Payroll Statutory Unit

This is an optional field and if left blank, the report is generated for all the PSUs.


This is an optional field and if left blank, the report is generated for all three provinces of British Columbia, Ontario, Manitoba and Newfoundland and Labrador.


This is an optional field and if left blank, the report is generated for all the valid accounts associated with the province setup at the PSU level.

Payroll Relationship Group

Select the payroll relationship group name, if you have defined one. Payroll relationship groups limit the persons processed for payroll, data entry, and reporting. For example, you can create a group to process the report for terminated employees.

Note: Use the Objects Group task under Payroll in My Client Groups on the Home page to define the payroll relationship group before you can select it here.

Starting Payment Date

This is a required field.

Ending Payment Date

This is a required field.

Report Type

Select an option to decide on the level of detail you want to include in the report. The options are Detail or Summary mode. The default is Summary mode.

Report Results

The report includes gross wages, taxable wages, exemptions used, rates, calculated levies, gross wages (YTD), and levy (YTD).

The report is generated for each PSU and each account within the province, sorted by account number with a page break between accounts. The account number is displayed in the header.

If the province is left blank, the report is generated for all the provinces, with a page-break after each account.

If an account number is specified, the report is generated for the specific account.

If a specific PSU is entered, the report is generated for all the accounts under the specific PSU.

Provincial Medical Report in Summary Mode

In the Summary mode, the report headings display Subject Wages instead of Gross Wages, for both the specified period as well as the year-to-date balances. The reported balances remain unchanged.

Provincial Medical Report in Detail Mode

In the Detail mode, the report generates a spreadsheet reporting employee-level provincial medical wages, for both the specified period as well as the year-to-date balances. This helps you to reconcile the balance reported in the summary level report and provides the ability to analyze the data in greater detail.