Example of a Global Transfer for India

You're a human resources (HR) specialist transferring Shikhar Gupta, working in InFusion India Hyderabad. You're transferring them within the same legal employer to InFusion India Vishakapatnam.

If the global transfer is permanent, the application terminates the existing work relationship and all assignments under it as of a day before the global transfer date.

Global Temporary Assignment is the temporary movement of an employee from one legal entity to another, within the same country or across different countries. The employment with the source legal employer remains active. The application creates a new employment with the target legal employer starting on the date of temporary assignment.

Let's look at the steps to update the key values for this transfer. For other fields, you can use the default values.

Selecting Shikhar and the Transfer Action

  1. On your home page, click the My Client Groups tab, and then select the Local and Global Transfer quick action in the Employment area.

  2. Search for Shikhar Gupta and select their record.

  3. View the Tranfer Journey and add any info if required in Info to include.

  4. In the When and why section, enter these values.



    When does the transfer take effect?

    Select the date the transfer takes effect.

    Who's the new employer for global transfer?


    What's the way to transfer


    Global Transfer

    Why are you transferring the person Gupta?


    Source Assignment Status

    Select the source assignment status

  5. Click Continue to proceed.

  6. Enter the Position overrides, Assignment, Seniority Dates if required, for Shikhar and click Continue.

  7. Click Submit to complete the transaction.