Perquisites Element for India

Perquisites include the taxable monetary and non-monetary benefits provided by an employer in addition to the employee's salary.

Monetary perquisites are benefits provided in the form of money or cash. For example, reimbursement of gas or electricity bill. The amount reimbursed is a monetary perquisite and is added directly to the taxable income of the employee.

Nonmonetary perquisites are benefits provided in kind. For example, accommodation provided to employee. For nonmonetary perquisites, the value of perquisites is determined first and then the taxation rules are applied.

According to the Income Tax Act of India, here are the different taxable perquisites employers provide:

Perquisite Type Values

Company Accomodation

Owned or leased

Furnished or unfurnished

Own furniture or rental furniture

Hotel accommodation

Interest Free or Concessional Loan

Loan type

Loan amount

Interest rate

Note: Create the statutory rates for concessional loan processing as required in your organization. This is not seeded in India Payroll.

Loan duration

Outstanding balance

Motor Car Perquisite

Owned or hired by the employer

Owned by the employee

Expenses by employer or employee


Usage of Movable Assets

Laptop or computer

Other assets owned or hired by the employer

Transfer of Movable Assets

Computer, laptop or other electronic item.

Motor car

Other movable assets

Free Or Concessional Education

Relationship (child or other)

Cost to employer

Amount recovered from employee

Credit cards and club expenditure

Cost to employer

Expenditure for official purposes

Amount paid by the employee

Employee Stock Options

Date of exercise

Fair market value

Number of shares

Amount paid by the employee

Employer Contributions

Employer contributions to PF, Superannuation and NPS

Other Perquisites

Cost to employer

Amount recovered from employee

Other perquisites include gift vouchers, services of domestic servant, gas, electricity and water, transport benefit and travelling , touring and accommodation.

The taxable value computation for each perquisite differs based on the perquisite type. The information required for the taxable value computation also varies based on the perquisite type. The input values which capture the perquisite details differ based on its perquisite type, the formula calculation logic is also different but all perquisites have a common result which is the taxable value of the perquisite. This value is added to the Value of Perquisites (Salary under Section 17 – 2) for computing the taxable salary for the employee.

When you create the perquisite as a recurring element, you can project the annual taxable value based on the remaining pay periods in financial year and the taxable value computed till date (YTD).

Create a Perquisite Element

Here's how you can create a perquisite element:

Note: The product offering needs to be set to India before creating the Perquisites element template.

  1. From your Home page, navigate to My Client Groups > Show More.

  2. Under Payroll, click Elements and click Create in the Elements page.

  3. Select the primary classification Perquisites.

    The secondary classification is optional.

  4. The Category is set to Standard by default.

  5. On the Basic Information page, specify the name. You can use the default values for the remaining fields.

  6. Click Next. On the Additional Details page, select the required options in Perquisite Rules, as shown in this table:

    Perquisite Rules



    Perquisite Name

    Select a perquisite name from one of the options.

    Perquisite Category

    Select Monetary or Non-Monetary.

    Project Taxable Value

    Select this option to project the Perquisite value for the remaining pay periods and the Annual value for Taxable Income under Section 17 (2) will be determined.

  7. In Special Rules, select the required options for proration and retroactive changes and click Next .

  8. Review all your specified choices in the Review page. Click Submit

  9. After the element is created, create the eligibility record rule for the Perquisites element.

Note: Repeat the above steps to create all the required perquisite element templates.

Set Up Concessional Loan Processing Element

Here are the steps to setup the concessional loan processing element:

  1. Configure outstanding balance on the loan

    When you create the perquisite element for Concessional Loan, a balance is created with the below naming convention base element name for the concessional loan balance. This balance needs the input from the custom loan deduction element to get the balance of the concessional loan availed by the employee.

  2. Set up the Statutory Tax Rate

    The statutory tax is subject to change periodically. As a payroll administrator, you need to configure these rates. Hence the value definitions are seeded without any ranges.

    Note: Upload the statutory interest rates for your organization, to compute the concessional rates. You can upload the rates for all the loan types using HDL.
  3. The From value and To value in the calculation values is the Loan Principal Amount.