Primary Element Classifications for India

Elements are grouped into primary classifications, such as Earnings and Voluntary Deductions.

In a Human Resources department, you can use the primary classifications to identify groups of elements for information and analysis purposes. In a payroll department, the classifications control processing, including the sequence in which elements are processed and the balances they feed. The payroll application provides primary classifications and some balances, mainly to reflect tax legislation. They are designed to meet the legislative requirements, so you can't change or delete them. You can of course create additional balances to be fed by any of the primary classifications.

Available Primary Classifications

The available primary classifications include:

  • Balance Initialization

  • Information

  • Direct Payments

  • Employer Charges

  • Standard Earnings

  • Allowances

  • Involuntary Deductions

  • Pre-Statutory Deductions

  • Social Insurance Deductions

  • Tax Deductions

  • Employer Taxes

  • Involuntary Deductions

  • Voluntary Deductions

  • Employer Charges