Simplified Payroll Flow for India

Here’s how you can use the Simplified India Payroll Flow task to execute all the tasks to calculate and validate the retropay process, payroll process, payment distributions, global and legislative specific reports for India.

You can monitor the processes tagged manual and choose to either skip or complete the process, review the status and continue after verifying the results. The list of processes, which you can execute as a sequence, in a single click is given.


Run Retroactive Notification Report

Verify Retroactive Events

Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes

Run Retroactive Entries Report

Verify Retroactive Report

Run India Payroll Data Validation Report

Verify India Payroll Data Validation Report

Calculate Payroll

Verify Payroll Results

Run Payroll Activity Report for the Latest Process

Run Gross-to-Net Report

Run India Professional Tax Report

Generate IT Computation Sheet

Run Payroll Messages Report

Verify Reports

Calculate Prepayments

Verify Prepayments

Archive Periodic Payroll Results

Run Payroll Register Report

Make EFT Payments

Generate Check Payments

Generate Payslips

Verify Payslips

Run Payment Register Report

Provident Fund Electronic Challan Cum Return

Run India 24Q IT Balances Report

Manual Run ESI Monthly Contribution Report

Manual Run India Form24Q

  1. Manual Run ESI Monthly Contribution Report is a manual task for the Run ESI Monthly Contribution Report flow if the ESI report needs to be run. You can either click Submit Related Flows or submit separately outside of this flow. When using Submit Related Flows option, after the child flow is submitted, mark the manual task as Completed, for the child flow to be triggered.

  2. Manual Run India Form24Q is a manual task for the Run India Form24Q flow which can be submitted every quarter.

Payroll Flow Parameters

Here are the parameters required to run the flow:

Required Flow Parameters Reports

Run Payroll Activity Report for the Latest Process

Run Gross-to-Net Report

Run Payroll Register Report

Run Payment Register Report

(Detail or Summary)


Payroll processes like Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes, Calculate Payroll, Calculate Prepayments, Archive Periodic Payroll Results, Generate Check Payments, Make EFT Payments, Generate Payslips and reports like Generate IT computation Sheet, Provident Fund Electronic Challan Cum Return

Payroll Period

Payroll processes like Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes, Calculate Payroll , Calculate Prepayments, Archive Periodic Payroll Results, Generate Check Payments, Make EFT Payments, Generate Payslips and reports like Generate IT computation Sheet, Provident Fund Electronic Challan Cum Return

Consolidation Group

Payroll processes like Calculate Payroll, Calculate Prepayments, Archive Periodic Payroll Results, Generate Check Payments, Make EFT Payments

Run Type

Calculate Payroll

Payroll Relationship Group

Calculate Payroll (Optional)

EFT Organization Payment Method

Make EFT Payments

Check Organization Payment Method

Generate Check Payments

EFT Payment Source

Make EFT Payments (Optional)

Check Payment Source

Generate Check Payments (Optional)

Start Check Number

Generate Check Payments

End Check Number

Generate Check Payments (Optional)

Process Configuration Group

Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes, Calculate Payroll, Calculate Prepayments, Archive Periodic Payroll Results, Generate Check Payments, Make EFT Payments, Generate Payslips and reports like Generate IT computation Sheet, Provident Fund Electronic Challan Cum Return (Optional)

Run Mode

Run Payroll Activity Report for the Latest Process, Run Gross-to-Net Report, Run Payment Register Report, Run Payroll Register Report (normal or debug) (Optional)

Display all Hours

Run Payroll Activity Report for the Latest Process, Run Gross-to-Net Report, Run Payroll Register Report (Optional)

Override Payslip Availability Date

Generate Payslips (Optional)

PF Organization

PF report.

PF Record Type

PF report. (Regular or Arrears)

Financial Year

PT report and India 24Q IT Balances Report.

PT Organization

Professional Tax Report.

PT Report Format

Professional Tax Report. (Employee Wise or Slab Wise)

PT Frequency

Professional Tax Report (Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly, Annual)

PT Frequency Period

Professional Tax Report. (Based on PT Frequency)

24Q Month

India 24Q IT Balances report.

Legal Employer

India 24Q IT Balances report (Optional), Required for Data Validation Report

Include Information Messages

Run Payroll Messages Report (Optional)

Run the India Payroll Flow

  1. From the home page, navigate to My Client Groups > Payroll > Submit a Flow.

  2. Select the legislative data group.

  3. Select Run India Simplified Payroll Flow.