Additional Balance Feeds

A number of balances are generated automatically by the element template.

Some of those balances are fed by classifications or secondary classifications; others need to be fed manually:

Balance Usage Suggested Feed
<Base Name> Final Pensionable Pay Basis for calculating contributions under final salary rules, including Added Years and ASBC contributions. Used in reports. All pensionable earnings elements
<Base Name> Permanent Pensionable Pay Basis for calculating contributions under current scheme rules. Used in reports. All pensionable earnings elements

Balance Feeds and Non-Pensionable Earnings Elements

If an allowance or other earnings element is non-pensionable, for example, a subsistence allowance, you must remove its balance feed from the <Base Name> Eligible Compensation balance created for the pension scheme in which it is non-pensionable.

See Absence Rate for Reducing Pensionable Pay to Exclude Non-Pensionable Allowances.