Date Support Across Payroll Responsive Pages

The date context you set on the advanced Person Search page remains constant when you navigate across the payroll responsive pages using Smart Nav.

Search for a person and access the Smart Nav menu using the three orange dots next to the person photo in the header region. This menu is available on all person level payroll tasks such as Calculation Entries, Element Entries, and so on. You can access these tasks from the Payroll area under My Client Group on your Home page.

The Smart Nav menu enables you to navigate between pages whilst retaining the context of the person and the person search date.

For example, suppose you have selected an effective date of 17, May on the advanced Person Search page to view your calculation entries on the Calculation Entries page and you subsequently navigate to the Balance Adjustments page, the balances are displayed as of 17, May. The latest effective date, 17 May, on the Calculation Entries page is passed on to the next page you view, the Balance Adjustments page.

If you don’t provide a date in the advanced Person Search page, then the application uses the system date and passes this date when you navigate across the payroll pages using Smart Nav.

If you update the date on a subsequent page, this date isn’t carried forward to a subsequent page. The person search date is always used when you navigate to a new page using Smart Nav.

Some classic pages, such as the Individual Balance Adjustment page, don’t support this date context and hence the date context is lost when you navigate from the classic Balance page to another responsive page with Smart Nav.