Employer Social Insurance or Pension Fund Calculation Card for UAE

The Employer Social Insurance or Pension Fund Details card uses the following info for social insurance calculation at the legal entity level.

  • Employer Sector: The employer sector can be government sector, military sector or private sector. The deduction rules are applied based on the type of sector you choose.
  • Employer Number: The two digit number is issued by the Social Insurance Office to Government Agencies and is used in the Monthly Contribution - Government Sector statutory report.
  • Contributory Salary Reference Formula: You can define the formula that calculates the contributory salary at the legal entity level. The contributory salary value is derived from this formula and is used as the reference value for social insurance calculation. This formula must have the value returned using the variable CONTRIBUTORY_BASE.
  • Social Insurance Fund Type: The social insurance fund type can be either Abu Dhabi Retirement Pensions and Benefits Fund, General Pension and Social Security Authority or Sharjah Social Security Fund. The deduction rules for social insurance are applied based on the social insurance fund type.
    Note: You can't change the fund type if the payroll is processed for the payroll statutory unit.
  • Unemployment Insurance: Select the check box to process unemployment insurance in the Social Insurance calculation.