Statutory Reports for UAE

A set of statutory reports are predefined for UAE:

  • Form 1
  • Form 6
  • Form 7
  • Monthly Contributions - Private Sector
  • Monthly Contributions - Government Sector
  • Wage Protection System: Salary Information File
  • IPE Consolidated Report

These statutory reports are executed after the payroll processing and submitted to the General Pension and Social Security Authority(GPSSA).

Form 1

Form 1 - New Hires is an on-demand statutory report, which an employer must submit to GPSSA upon hiring an employee.

This report can only be run for those PSU's whose Social Insurance Fund Type is GPSSA (General Pension and Social SecurityAuthority).

You can find the content for the setup for this report in the section that contains employee compensation information. Elements that contribute to each information block are defined by the element classification.

Form 6

Form 6 - Insured Details is a statutory report that an employer must submit to GPSSA at the end of each month. The report consists of information about the insured employees in the private sector.

This report can only be run for those PSU's whose Social Insurance Fund Type is GPSSA (General Pension and Social SecurityAuthority).

Elements created at the implementation phase with classifications that are mapped to report fields will contribute to the values reportedin those fields.

Form 7

Form 7 - Monthly Movements is a statutory report an employer needs to submit to GPSSA at the end of each month. It contains details of newly hired employees, salary changes of existing employees, and terminated employees.

On each page, the report displays 5 hired employees, 4 salary changes and 4 terminated employees. Blank rows are displayed if thereare no employees in a particular section.

Monthly Contributions – Private Sector

Monthly Contributions - Private Sector is a statutory report that an employer needs to submit to GPSSA at the end of each month. It contains information about monthly contributions of private sector employers and their employees that is paid to the Social Security Office.

The content that depends on set up in the implementation phase is the one related to the following sections:
  • Employee Compensation Information
  • Employee and Employer Contributions
Elements that contribute to each box of these sections are defined by either one of these 2 methods:
  • Element Classification
  • Elements feeding a specific balance

Elements created at the implementation phase having classifications that are mapped to report fields, and feeding balances that are mapped to report fields contribute to the values reported in those fields.

Monthly Contributions – Government Sector

Monthly Contributions - Government Sector is a statutory report that an employer needs to submit to GPSSA at the end of each month. It contains detailed information about monthly contributions of government sector employers and their employees that are to be paid to the Social Security Office.

The content that depends on set up in the implementation phase is the one related to the following sections:
  • Employee Compensation Information
  • Employee and Employer Contributions
Elements that contribute to each box of these sections are defined by either one of these 2 methods:
  • Element Classification
  • Elements feeding a specific balance