Performance Goal Excluded Workers REST Endpoints

Goal Plans/Performance Goal Excluded Workers
The perfGoalExcludedWorkers resource is a child of the goalPlans resource and provides all workers excluded from the goal plan.
Create an excluded worker for the goal plan
Method: post
Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/{GoalPlanId}/child/perfGoalExcludedWorkers
Delete a worker excluded from the goal plan
Method: delete
Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/{GoalPlanId}/child/perfGoalExcludedWorkers/{perfGoalExcludedWorkersUniqID}
Get a worker excluded from the goal plan
Method: get
Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/{GoalPlanId}/child/perfGoalExcludedWorkers/{perfGoalExcludedWorkersUniqID}
Get all workers excluded from the goal plan
Method: get
Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/{GoalPlanId}/child/perfGoalExcludedWorkers
Update a worker excluded from the goal plan
Method: patch
Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/{GoalPlanId}/child/perfGoalExcludedWorkers/{perfGoalExcludedWorkersUniqID}