Other Selected Course Offerings REST Endpoints

Learner Learning Records/Other Selected Course Offerings
The otherSelectedCourseOfferings resource is a child of the learnerLearningRecords resource. It provides all offerings other than the primary selected offering of a course for which a learner has an assignment record. This resource is applicable only for a course learning item. The resource will be empty for any other learning item type.
Get a single other selected course offering
Method: get
Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/{learnerLearningRecordsUniqID}/child/otherSelectedCourseOfferings/{otherSelectedCourseOfferingsUniqID}
Get all other selected course offerings
Method: get
Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/{learnerLearningRecordsUniqID}/child/otherSelectedCourseOfferings
Update single other selected course offering
Method: patch
Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/{learnerLearningRecordsUniqID}/child/otherSelectedCourseOfferings/{otherSelectedCourseOfferingsUniqID}