Evaluation Criteria for Jobs and Positions

You can define evaluation criteria such as evaluation system, date, unit of measure, for for jobs and positions

By default, 2 evaluation systems are available. The Hay system is a predefined evaluation system. Another custom evaluation system is available for which you need to define your own criteria and values..

Enable Evaluation Criteria Section

The Evaluation Criteria section is hidden by default, you need to enable it in the Transaction Design Studio. For example, here's how you can enable it in the Position Details page

  1. Click My Client Groups > HCM Experience Design Studio.
  2. Select the Position Details action.
  3. Click Add to add a rule.
  4. Enter a name and description for the rule.
  5. In the Page Attributes section, select the Configure Save Options and Regions option.
  6. For the Evaluation Criteria region, select Visible.
  7. Select Evaluation Criteria from the Region list to ensure that the Evaluation System field is enabled in the section.
  8. Click Save and Close.

You can enable for the Job Details page similarly by selecting the Job Details action in Transaction Design StudioIn the Request a New Position and Request a Position Change flow, the Evaluation Criteria section is available in the Show or Hide Regions section.

Points to Consider

  • The evaluation criteria data associated to a job or position isn't copied when a job or position is duplicated.
  • You can see only the Evaluation Date and the Evaluation System fields in the read-only job or position pages, if there isn't any evaluation data.
  • The Evaluation Date doesn't default to the start date of the job or position unlike the classic job and position pages.
  • The Evaluation Date can't be earlier than the start date of the job or position.
  • Any updates to evaluation data are retained in the cache until you submit the data. Only the data submitted or committed to the database is displayed on the page, irrespective of the earlier data updates.
  • If you want to remove the evaluation data for a job or position, you need to remove the Evaluation System value. However, if the Evaluation System is defaulted and the field is hidden, you have to first unhide the field and then remove the Evaluation System to delete the evaluation data.

Default Evaluation System

You can specify a default evaluation system for job and position flows on the Manage Enterprise HCM Information page. If you specify a default evaluation system it applies to both jobs and positions. However, you can change it in the respective flows.

Here are some key points to note about the evaluation system defaulting.

  • The Evaluation System is defaulted when you specify an evaluation date in the Evaluation Criteria section.
  • The Default Evaluation System configuration isn’t date effective on the Manage Enterprise HCM Information page.