How does the approval rule determine the worker's current and proposed, and the requester's representative?

The approval rule determines the representative based on some rules.

This table lists the rules that determine the representative.


How Representative Is Determined

Worker's Current Representative

  • Worker's start date is today or in the past - The current application date is considered

  • Worker's start date is in the future - The worker's future start date is considered to determine the current representative. If the person record already exists in the application as a contact of an existing worker, then the current application start date is used to determine the worker's current representative,

Worker's Proposed Representative

  • Worker's start date is today or in the past - The current application date is considered

  • Worker's start date is in the future - The worker's future start date is considered to determine the current representative.

Requester's Representative

The current application date is always considered for workers irrespective of the transaction start date.