How You Use Translation Editor with Questionnaires and Questions

You can translate questionnaire templates, questionnaires, and questions using the translation editor. With the translation editor, you can review and translate text for more than one language at a time without signing out of your current session.

For each translatable field, the translation editor helps to ensure your data is translated the way you intend. The translations appear wherever the questionnaire templates, questionnaires and questions appear.

Eligible Languages

The languages that you can translate are those that are that are installed and active in the application. The translated text appears in the application for the respective language a user selects when signing in.

Text that Can Be Translated

Using the translation editor, you can translate any text fields that you can edit in questionnaire templates, questionnaires, or questions. For questionnaires and templates, you can translate:

  • Name, description, and introduction

  • Section title, description, and introduction

For questions, you can translate:

  • Question text

  • Question response short description

  • Question response feedback

Translation Editor Usage

Click the Translation Editor icon to edit the translatable text in a questionnaire, questionnaire template, or question. The icon appears on the pages and sections where the fields you can appear. In the Edit Translation dialog box that appears, you can enter text for any available language for each field. The translated text appears in the application for the respective language a user selects when signing in. For example, if you translate a question from English to Spanish, a Spanish-speaking user sees the Spanish translation. If the translated text is in a language that's the same as the language of your current session, you can see the translation apply to the UI immediately.

When you create a new questionnaire, template, or question, you must first save it before using the translation editor. Once the object is saved to the database, the translation editor becomes available.

Translation Inheritance

Questionnaires inherit translations from the template. You can edit the translations to change them. Question translations that you configure are also inherited by that question if it's used later in another questionnaire or template. You can edit the translation either in the Question Library, or in the questionnaire or template in which it's used.