Securing In-App Notifications

In-app notifications are secured using data privileges so that only approvers with appropriate privileges can view or edit transactions.

You can secure approval notifications in these responsive employment flows using data privileges:

  • Edit Pending Worker

  • Work Relationship

  • Cancel Work Relationship

  • Employment Details

  • Employment Contract

  • Eligible Jobs

  • Additional Assignment Info

  • Manage Directs

  • Delete Assignment

  • Termination

  • Resignation

  • Reverse Termination

  • Withdraw Resignation

  • Correct Termination

Example of Securing In-App Notifications

Here's what approvers can access in the Work Relationship flow based on the privileges and functions assigned to them:



View Access

Edit Access


A1 has only view access - PER_VIEW_WORK_RELATIONSHIP_DATA

A1 can view the current and proposed work relationship changes in the notification.

A1 can't edit the transaction.


A2 is an HR Analyst and can view a worker's data, but has edit work relationship access only for department 1. A2 doesn't have access to the worker's department 2 assignment information.

A2 can view the current and proposed work relationship changes in the notification.

When A2 clicks Edit in the notification, an error message is displayed in the transaction page indicating A2 doesn't have access to the worker's assignment info.


A3 is a line manager and has edit access but doesn't have access to a worker's assignment information.

A3 can't view the current and proposed work relationship change section in the in-app notification. An error message is displayed in the notification page indicating A3 doesn't have access to the worker's assignment info.

When A3 clicks Edit in the notification, an error message is displayed in the transaction page indicating A3 doesn't have access to the worker's assignment info.


A4 has functional privilege and edit access to a worker's assignment information.



A4 can view the current and proposed work relationship changes in the notification

A4 can edit the transaction.