Set Up the From Field in Workflow Email Notifications

By default, the From field in workflow email notifications shows <your pod>.fa.sender@workflow.mail.<your data center> You can change the email address, add a sender name, or do both.

For example, you indicate that Your Company is the sender name to display, and the from address should be The From field in emails would show: Your Company <>. Your setting for the from address also applies to the reply-to address.

Note: Make sure that the sender name and email address make sense together in the From field. For example, if you set up the From field to show the task submitter’s email address, you should set up the sender name to be the task submitter’s name.

Your users might get other types of email notifications, for example for things not related to workflow. Your setup here doesn't affect those emails, and you might not be able to specify the sender name for those emails.