HCM Skill

The HCM skill, which is delivered as part of FADigital Assistant, includes multiple intents designed to address employment-related questions or initiate a manager self-service transaction.

When you download the HCM skill, you get all the delivered intents. If you don’t want to make all of them available to your employees, or if you haven’t implemented all of the functionality to support the intents, you can control access to them using security. For a Web channel, you can access this skill within Oracle Cloud HCM.

To use the intents, you must have implemented the corresponding Oracle Fusion Cloud products so that data exists in the application. For example, to use the Payslip or Absence Balance intents, you must have implemented Oracle Payroll and Oracle Absence Management, respectively.

The Enhanced HCM V2 Skill

The enhanced HCM skill (HCM V2) helps employees and managers manage their actions and tasks through richer conversational experiences across 90+ intents.

The HCM V2 skill includes:

  • More sophisticated natural language processing and natural language understanding models
  • Enhanced intent reclassification model that supports standardized extensibility, lending itself much easier to personalize changes
  • Native language support, paving the way for a multilingual implementation. Native language support eliminates the need for third-party translation services
  • All message strings defined as resource bundle strings with named tokens

Previously, one intent addressed all requests for each major feature area, using conversational chat to answer questions and retrieve information for that feature area.

With HCM V2, there are now separate intents for each business flow. For example, the intent that fulfills a user request to 'Find my coworker's phone number' is different from 'Find my coworker's email’. Each of these discrete intents supports a specific business case, which makes the skill easier to manage and extend, especially for native language support.

Additionally, there are separate intents to view and manage data, both for self and others. For example, user request to ‘View my work phone’ is handled differently from ‘Update my work phone’. Likewise, ‘View my phone’ and ‘View coworker's phone’ resolve to two separate intents for self and others. Such discrete intents support a specific business case, so they are easier to manage, support, and upgrade. It allows for easier extension of intents since it is more localized and the user can switch off specific intents without affecting other functionality.

Added to the improved intent classification accuracy, there is also new functionality such “Show me [employee name]'s photo” and profile picture cards. Selecting employees is easier with profile photo cards.

All conversation flows in the new HCM V2 skill use resource bundle strings with named tokens, which makes the message strings easier to manage and translate.