Set the da.FARestEndpoint Parameter

For the FADigital Assistant to be able to communicate with the HCM instance, it needs to use the REST endpoint for that instance. That endpoint is specified in a custom parameter.

You can set the da.FARestEndpoint parameter in FADigital Assistant or directly in the skill. When you specify this parameter in the skill, you can test the skill outside of the context of the digital assistant.

Set the da.FARestEndpoint Parameter in the Digital Assistant

  1. In Oracle Digital Assistant, click Navigator to open the side menu, and then select Development > Digital Assistants, and select your digital assistant.
  2. In the digital assistant's side menu, click the Skills icon.
  3. Scroll down, or go to the next page, if necessary, and select the required skill - HCM, Internal Candidate Experience or Hiring.
  4. After the page loads, scroll down to the Parameters section.
  5. In the da.FARestEndpoint parameter, make sure that the value of the parameter is the URL for your HCM Cloud instance.
    Note: The URL should start with https://, end with .com, and not include a port number. The updated parameter value will be applied for all skills that use the parameter.

Set the da.FARestEndpoint Parameter Directly in the Skill

If you plan to extend a skill, you might want to iteratively test the skill without having to add it to the digital assistant each time you make changes. In this case, you will need to set the da.FARestEndpoint parameter directly in the skill itself.
  1. In Oracle Digital Assistant, click Navigator to open the side menu, and then select Development > Skills.
  2. Enter the name of the skill in the search box.
  3. Select the skill that you want to configure.
  4. In the skill's side menu, click the Settings icon.
  5. Click the Configuration tab.
  6. Scroll down to the Custom Parameters section.
  7. Select the da.FARestEndpoint parameter, and click Edit .
  8. In the Edit Parameter dialog box, make sure that the value of the parameter is the URL for your HCM Cloud instance.