Areas of Responsibility Templates

Templates allow you to create a simple, less-cluttered responsibility description and scope just once, and reuse that same definition multiple times. You can define templates separately from representatives, and can support different scope patterns as your organization requires.

Responsibility templates are intended to create areas of responsibility with predefined scope for your representatives. With a responsibility template, you can control and lessen the number of responsibility visible scope items displayed on a worker's responsibility, so you choose only the scope that applies to your organization without using Page Composer. Templates will also default values on the worker responsibility but you can also specify required values for the worker responsibility.

How You Create a Responsibility Template

You can create an area of responsibility template for responsibilities that you frequently need to assign to people. For example, you may have a shared service center with 3 HR representatives covering workers in the same Legal Employer; define a single responsibility template and assign to all 3 HR representatives. You can create areas of responsibility templates from the Workforce Structure quick actions.

You can create a worker's responsibility from active, current, or future-dated templates. Whichever template you choose, the basic responsibility information and the scope are displayed, by default. However, you can change the name, from and to dates, and status. You need to specify a code for area of responsibility template, and can update any of the fields, which are optional in the template. Scope fields will appear as read-only if default value for that field is specified in the template. If a default value isn't provided, then you can choose or specify a value.

How You Delete a Template

Although, you can copy a responsibility template, you can't delete one if there are people associated to it. If you want to display a warning confirmation message to users before deleting a template, you must enable the HCM_SAVE_CHANGES_WARNING_ENABLED profile option.

Note: Details in the template are currently independent of any changes in the worker level area of responsibility. There isn't any synchronization of the start date, end date or status fields between the worker area of responsibility and the template.

How You Assign a Template

You can either create a template and directly assign it to people or select people and associate them to a template. When you associate workers to a template, their area of responsibility is listed in the Directly Assigned section. You can also create different responsibilities from a template and assign it to the same person multiple times. For example, if you configure Country in the template as not required, at the person-level responsibility, you can update each area of responsibility to have different country values unique to the representative's service areas.