Example of a Worker Transfer

You're a human resources (HR) specialist transferring Ralph Amber, working as a sales representative in the Sales West US department. You're transferring him within the same legal employer to the Sales East US department in New York.

Let's look at the steps to update the key values for this transfer. For other fields, you can use the default values.

Selecting Ralph and the Transfer Action

  1. On your home page, click the My Client Groups tab, and then select the Transfer quick action in the Employment area.

  2. Search for Ralph Amber and select his record.

  3. In the When and Why section, enter these values.



    When does the transfer start?

    Select the date the transfer takes effect.

    What's the way to transfer?


    Why are you transferring Ralph Amber?


  4. Click Continue to proceed.

Enter Transfer Information

  1. In the Transfer section, enter these values.




    Sales East US


    New York

  2. Click Submit to complete the transaction.