Examples of Retaining Your Employment Changes While Changing the Effective Date

Here's an example of how your employment changes are retained in employment flows when you change the effective date.

New Effective Date Needs to be Between the Previous and Next Record's Effective Date

If you added the assignment row having effective date of 01-Mar-2019, the changes will be retained only when the date is changed between 01-Feb-2019 and 01-Jun-2019.



Business Unit





Additional Information



Business Unit 1

Location 1

Job 1

Department 1

Grade 1

Historical record



Business Unit 1

Location 1

Job 1

Department 2

Grade 1

Historical record


Change Location

Business Unit 1

Location 2

Job 1

Department 2

Grade 1

Newly added record



Business Unit 1

Location 1

Job 1

Department 2

Grade 1

Future record

Value Becomes Invalid When You Change Effective Date

If you enter a value that's not valid as of the newly changed date, the value will be reverted to the old value. Let's have a look at how this works by using this example:

Grade 1 is active from 01-Jan-1951 and Grade 11 is active from 01-Jun-2019.



Business Unit





Additional Information



Business Unit 1

Location 1

Job 1

Department 1

Grade 1




Business Unit 1

Location 1

Job 1

Department 2

Grade 11

Newly added record

If you change the date of the newly added record from 1-Jun-2019 to 1-May-2019, the grade value will be reverted back to Grade1 as Grade11 isn't valid as of the new date.

Dependent Field Defaulting While Retaining Your Employment Changes

Consider the application setup where location is defaulted from the department. In the following example, the user changes the department from Sales to Finance and the location is defaulted to Trivandrum which is then cleared by the user.

Action Effective Date Department Attribute Location Attribute (Dependent Attribute) User Change Application Behavior
Hire 01-JAN-2010 Sales Hyderabad Not applicable Not applicable
Transfer 01-MAR-2010 Finance Null Clear Trivandrum location Trivandrum location is cleared
Transfer 15-MAR-2010 Finance Null Change effective date Displays Finance department and blank location
The application will ignore the user input for the dependent attribute if the following conditions are true:
  • The initial value of the dependent attribute is null and you have manually cleared the defaulted value in the dependent attribute during the transaction.
  • You changed the effective date of an employment transaction.

Consider the following example of an employee whose department and location are not populated during hire and the user populates the department value as Human Resources during transfer.

Action Effective Date Department Attribute Location Attribute (Dependent Attribute) User Change Application Behavior
Hire 01-JAN-2010 No value No value Not applicable Not applicable
Transfer 10-JAN-2010 Human Resources Null
  • Select Human Resources
  • Clear Bangalore location
Bangalore location is cleared
Transfer 01-FEB-2010 Human Resources Bangalore
  • Change effective date
  • Visit the Assignment section
Bangalore location is defaulted

In this example while transferring a worker, the user selects the Human Resources department and the Bangalore location is defaulted. The user then clears the Bangalore location to make it blank. Now when the user changes the effective date of the transfer transaction, Bangalore will be again defaulted even though the user had cleared the Bangalore location. The user needs to manually clear the Bangalore location again. This behavior occurs because initially there was no location and later the user clears the defaulted location. In this scenario, since there was no change between the initial value and the value after the user change for the Location attribute, the application doesn’t consider it as a user change and doesn’t retain the value.