How are the differences between comparison attributes identified?

The differences are calculated between the attributes of the secondary items and the base item. Differences between numeric values are calculated and displayed; character differences are indicated using an icon.

When the data includes a range (competency ratings, for example), the comparison displays the differences from each end of the range. The comparison, however, doesn't display the differences for values that lie within the range. For example, consider that you're comparing the competency requirements of two job profiles. The competency requirement of the base job is between 2 and 4 and the secondary job is between 1 and 3. The comparison displays the difference between the minimum competency requirement of the secondary job (1) and the base job (2) as -1. The comparison doesn't display the difference between the maximum values because the maximum competency requirement of the secondary job (3) lies within the competency requirement of the base job (between 2 and 4).