Predictive Attributes

Voluntary-termination and performance predictions are based on specific attributes from a worker's personal, employment, absence, compensation, and talent management information, most of which are held at the assignment level.

This topic identifies the relevant attributes by their factor names, as they appear in predictive analytics, and explains how each attribute value is calculated or derived.

Person Attributes

Person attributes are described in the following table.

Factor Name


Worker is an employee

Worker has a current employee work relationship

Home city

City from the worker's current home address

Home country

Country from the worker's current home address

Time until work permit or visa expiration

Number of weeks until the worker's next visa or work-permit expiration

Has a second passport

Worker has a second passport

Worker is a rehire

Worker was previously employed by the enterprise

Tobacco user

Worker uses tobacco

Time until contract expiration

Number of months until expiration of the worker's contract

Willing to relocate domestically

Worker is willing to move to a different location in the same country

Willing to relocate internationally

Worker is willing to move to a different country

Employment Attributes

Employment attributes are described in the following table.

Factor Name


Current legal employer

Legal employer from the assignment

Current enterprise

Current enterprise

Worker category

Worker category from the assignment

Length of service

Worker's enterprise service in years

Time since last probation ended

Number of months since completion of the worker's latest probation period

Current assignment status

Status of the assignment


Legislation of the legal employer

Current or most recent manager

Line manager of the assignment

Time with current manager

Number of months the worker has been reporting to the current manager

Average time with each manager

Average number of months the worker has reported to each manager in all employee assignments in the enterprise

Number of manager changes in the last 5 years

Number of manager changes in all of the worker's employee assignments in the last 5 years

Normal start time

Work start time from the assignment

Normal end time

Work end time from the assignment

Normal working hours

Expected number of hours worked each day


Sum of the FTE values from the worker's current employee assignments

Current grade

Grade from the assignment

Time in current grade

Number of months between the last grade change or the start of the assignment and the current date

Average time in each grade

Average number of months between grade changes for all of the worker's past and current employee assignments in the enterprise

Number of different grades

Number of different grades for this worker in all past and current employee assignments in the enterprise

Number of grade changes in the last 2 years

Number of different grades for this worker in all employee assignments in the last 2 years

Current department

Department from the assignment

Time in current department

Number of months between the last department change or the start of the assignment and the current date

Number of different departments

Number of different departments for this worker in all past and current employee assignments in the enterprise

Average time in each department

Average number of months between department changes for all of the worker's past and current employee assignments in the enterprise

Current job

Job from the assignment

Time in current job

Number of months between the last job change or the start of the assignment and the current date

Average time in each job

Average number of months between job changes for all of the worker's past and current employee assignments in the enterprise

Current position

Position from the assignment

Time in current position

Number of months between the last position change or the start of the assignment and the current date

Average time in each position

Average number of months between position changes for all of the worker's past and current employee assignments in the enterprise

Current location

Location from the assignment

Absence Attributes

Absence attributes are described in the following table.

Factor Name


Amount of leave taken in the previous year

Number of days' leave taken in the previous year

Total enterprise leave

Number of days' leave taken since the start of the worker's enterprise service

Time since last leave

Number of months between the latest leave and the current date

Amount of sickness in the current year

Number of sickness days taken in the current year

Amount of sickness in the previous year

Number of sickness days taken in the previous year

Increase in sickness over previous year

Percentage change in the number of sickness days for the year to date compared with the previous year

Time since last sickness

Number of months between the latest sickness day and the current date

Number of sickness absences in the previous year

Number of distinct periods of sickness in the previous year

Increase in sickness absences over previous year

Percentage change in the number of sickness absences for the year to date compared with the previous year

Compensation Attributes

Compensation attributes are described in the following table.

Factor Name


Latest salary change

Latest salary change as a percentage of the annualized salary before the change

Reason for latest salary change

Reason for the latest salary change

Time since latest salary change

Number of months between the latest salary change or the hire date and the current date

Average salary change

Average of all salary-change percentages since the hire date

Time until next salary review

Number of months between the current date and the date of the next salary review

Time since last received options

Number of months since stock options were last granted

Ratio of vested to unvested options

Vested stock options expressed as a percentage of the worker's total stock options

Talent Management Attributes

Talent management attributes are described in the following table.

Factor Name


Current performance self rating

Worker's current self-assessment for the assignment

Current manager performance rating

Manager's current overall performance rating for the worker's assignment

Difference between manager rating and self rating

Difference between the manager's overall rating of the worker and the worker's self-assessment

Current appraising manager

Name of the manager performing the evaluation of the worker

Previous manager performance rating

Manager's previous overall performance rating for the assignment

Current performance rating

Current overall performance rating for the assignment

Change in current performance

Current overall performance rating for the assignment expressed as a percentage of the rating for the previous year