Seniority Dates

Seniority date is the basis of calculation of a person's seniority with the enterprise, department, grade, or other entity. You can see the seniority dates on the Employment Info page. In most cases, seniority dates are the same as start dates.

On the Seniority Dates page, you can do these things:

  • View the length of service, history, and other details for each seniority date rule.

  • If the seniority date rule is configured to allow edits, you can update or correct the manual adjustment units.

    Note: Any adjustments made to the seniority dates don't go through an approval since there is no approval configuration available for the Manage Seniority Dates process.
  • After making any adjustments, you can recalculate a person's seniority using the Recalculate Seniority feature.

You can populate seniority dates for all workers by running the Calculate Seniority Dates process.

You may find that a worker's seniority rule isn't displaying on the Seniority Dates page even though the rule is active. This may be due to these reasons:

  • The rule has a filter and the worker doesn't meet the filter criterion.

  • The total length of service for the worker is zero. This could happen for example if the rule is hours-based and you haven't loaded the seniority hours for the worker.