Synchronize Assignment Action Reason From Position

You can synchronize the action reason in assignments with the action reason specified when a position is updated using these flows and process.

  • Update Position (from Position Details)
  • Request a Position Change
  • Synchronize Person Assignments from Position ESS process
The action reason is synchronized in the assignment if these conditions are satisfied.
  • Position synchronization is enabled at the legal entity level.
  • Action reason attribute is selected for synchronization in the position synchronization setup.
  • Action reason is specified in the selected position.
  • Synchronization from Position action has associated reasons configured.
  • Action reason specified in the position is one of the reasons associated with Synchronization from Position (ORA_POS_SYNC) action and to action of type Update Position (PER_POS_UPD)
  • At least one of the synchronized attributes is updated in the position apart from action reason.
A point to note is that the action reason is synchronized only when the first position synchronization record is created in the assignment. If there’s a correction in the position, then all changed attributes from position will be synchronized in the assignment apart from the action reason.

How You Enable Action Reason Synchronization

You need to enable position synchronization at the enterprise or legal entity level. These are the steps to enable position synchronization at the enterprise-level.

  1. On the Home page, click My Client Groups > Workforce Structures.
  2. Click the Manage Enterprise HCM Information task.
  3. Click Edit > Update.
  4. Click OK.
  5. In the Position Synchronization Configuration section, select Enable Position Synchronization and Action Reason check boxes. Select any other attributes for synchronization.
  6. Click Review to check your changes.
  7. Click Submit.
  8. Click OK.

After position synchronization is enabled, let's add action reasons to the Synchronization from Position and Update position actions.

  1. On the Home page, click My Client Groups > Workforce Structures.
  2. Click the Configure Actions task.
  3. Search for Synchronization from Position (ORA_POS_SYNC) action.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. In the Action Reasons section, Click Associate to associate the action reasons with the action.
  6. Click Ok.
  7. Click Submit.
  8. Click Configure Actions task
  9. Search for and click Update (PER_POS_UPD) action.
  10. Click Continue in the Action section.
  11. Click Associate and add the same action reason you added to the Synchronization from Position action, for example, Promotion.
  12. Click Ok.
  13. Click Submit.