This formula function can be used to look at the absence entries against a person and return the earliest start date and the latest end date in a period.

Mandatory Contexts

This formula function does not require any contexts to return values.


Parameter name Data Type Description
p_person_id Number Person id for whom absence entries durations and occurrences need to be fetched
p_include_type_id Number Absence type id to be included
p_exclude_type_id Number Absence type id to be excluded
p_include_categor_id Number Absence category id to be included
p_exclude_category_id Number Absence category id to be excluded
p_include_reason_id Number Absence reason to be included
p_exclude_reason_id Number Absence reason to be excluded
p_start_date_from Date Absences that end on or after this date are included in the calculations
p_start_date_to Date Absences that end on or before this date are included in the calculations
p_min_date Date Out parameter - Earliest absence start date in the period
p_max_date Date Out parameter – Latest absence end date in the period

Data Returned

Apart from the out parameters returned above, the return data for the formula function is a Number value of 0 in all cases.