This fast formula determines whether reported time entries for the time category exceed the specified maximum hours. If they do exceed the maximum, the defined message appears.

The message includes the specified maximum and the reported hours in one of these formats:

  • Decimal format, such as 10.30
  • Hours and minutes separated by a colon, such as 10:30
  • Hours and minutes separate by a space, such as 10h 30m

If you don't specify a message, the default message HWM_FF_TER_PER_GT_MAX_MSG_ERR appears. The message severity is an output value associated with rule settings. This formula uses an array to process time card data. It isn't associated with any delivered time entry rule templates.


Name Type Description
WORKED_TIME_CONDITION Time category Time category of reported hours that include the specified time attributes used to determine whether to generate a units time attribute.
OVERRIDE_MSG_CD Message Code of the message that overrides the code of the default message that appears if the attribute values are invalid.

Specify how the specified message shows the hours and minutes:

  • 'DEC' shows time in HH.ddd (10.30)
  • HRS_COLON shows time in HH:MM (10:30)
  • HRS_SPACE shows time in ##h ##m (10h 30m)


Name Message Severity
OUT_MSG Specify whether the output message is informational, warning, or error


‘DEC’ message format: The reported time, 10.30, for the period exceeds the 7 maximum allowed for the time card.

‘HRS_COLON’ message format: The reported time, 10:30, for the period exceeds the 7 maximum allowed for the time card.

‘HRS_SPACE’ message format: The reported time, 10h 30m, for the period exceeds the 7 maximum allowed for the time card.