Deleted Data Report

Use the Deleted Data Report to report data that have been deleted from Oracle HCM Cloud during the extraction period.

You can use this report as a supplement to the Payroll Interface output xml file to account for data changes for an extraction period.

Before You Begin

The Deleted Data Report is based on the audit functionality. Enable audit on all objects that must be tracked for deletions.

Here's how you can enable audit.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Audit Policies task in the Application Extensions functional area.

  2. On the Manage Audit Policies page, click Configure Business Object Attributes .

  3. On the Configure Business Object Attributes page, select Global Payroll.

  4. Select Personal Payment Method. The attributes available for auditing are displayed on the right hand side of the page under Audited Attributes section.

  5. In the Audited Attributes section, click Create.

  6. In the Select and Add Audit Attributes dialog box, search for the attributes that you want to audit and click OK.

  7. Click Save and Close.

Delivered File Name

The Deleted Data Report has a default delivery option that generates the output file name in the predefined format. With this option, you can view the output file with the specified name as the process output.

Support for SFTP and Other Modes

You can extend the delivery options associated with the deleted data report to support other modes of delivery like SFTP, FTP, UCM, and E-Mail.

If you want to deliver the output file in any of these modes, perform these steps to extend the delivery options for the deleted data report:

  1. On the Home page, click the Extract Definitions quick action under the My Client Groups tab.

  2. Search for the extract definition name, Deleted Data Report.

  3. Click the extract definition name.

  4. Click Extract Delivery Options and add new extract delivery option.

  5. Enter these details:

    • Delivery Option Name: Any name

    • Output Type: XML

    • Report: /Human Capital Management/Payroll Interface/Deleted Data Report.xdo

    • Template Name: Template for XML output

    • Output Name: Any name

    • Delivery Option: FTP

    • Add server details in Additional Details section

  6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 for other delivery modes, and change the Delivery Option field appropriately.

  7. Click Save and Close.

  8. Submit and validate the extract definition.

Generate Deleted Data Report

Use the Submit a Flow task to generate the Deleted Data report.

  1. On the Home page, click the Submit a Flow quick action under the My Client Groups tab.

  2. Select the appropriate Legislative Data Group.

  3. Search for and select Run Deleted Data Report process.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Enter values for these parameters.


    What it Means

    Flow Name

    Meaningful name of the flow.

    Process Start Date

    Start date of the extraction window. Typically, this should be the same as the regular payroll interface extraction window.

    Process End Date

    End date of the extraction window. Typically, this date should be the same as the regular payroll interface extraction window.

    Object Group

    Identifies the payroll relationships to consider and should be same as the object group used in the regular payroll interface.

    Note: If you're running the interface and the deleted data report for a single day extraction window (Process start date and Process end date are same), the application may delete the data after the extraction is complete for the day. To ensure that the application doesn't miss these deletions, the deleted data report considers the extraction window as 7 days before the Process Start Date and till the Process End Date that you provide. For example, if you have entered the Process Start Date as 7-Nov-2018 and Process End Date as 30-Nov-2018, the report considers the extraction window as 1-Nov-2018 through 30-Nov-2018.
  6. Click Submit.

  7. Monitor the process and view the report output.

The report displays purged information for the objects of assignment, jobs, salary, element entries, and personal payment methods.