Transactional and Operational Recommendations for Global Payroll Interface

Transfer employees as close as possible to the process period end date of the source payroll while performing transactions on the HCM cloud. Sometimes, the payroll to which the employee is transferred could belong to a different country. In such cases, update the Final Close Date in the source payroll as the process period end date.

Transactional Recommendations

Do not purge data. To delete data, use the end date of the business object. However, in unavoidable circumstances, if you delete the data, use the Deleted Data Report to extract the deleted data.

For terminations, specify the Notified Termination Date as the date on which the termination is recorded. The termination indicator is based on this date.

Your organization could use one of these approaches when handling payments to terminated employees.

  1. Continue to make payments on the HCM cloud and send them to payroll for processing. In such a case, extract the termination details of the employee whenever payment related information is updated till you make the full settlement to the employee. Set the Final Close Date of the payroll relationship for the terminated employee to a future date. Till this final close date, the application extracts the employee details for any update.

  2. Enter the post termination payment information directly in the application. In this case, don't extract the employee details after the termination date. Set the Final Close date as the actual termination date, so that the application doesn't extract the employee details after the termination date.

Operational Recommendations

Here are few recommendations while you submit the Global Payroll Interface:

  • Use the delivered Run Global Payroll Interface V2 flow to process the Global payroll interface.

  • Specify the baseline parameter as Yes to run the initial extract in the baseline mode.

  • Specify the baseline parameter as No to run the subsequent extracts.

  • Consider these points while you select the extraction window:

    • Frequency of payments.

    • Frequency of the interface files sent to the third-party payroll application.

    • Data entry business practice.

  • Run the extraction on a daily basis.

  • Do not set Process End Date to a date earlier than the end date of any previous runs while scheduling the Global Payroll Interface process.

  • For any unplanned runs, push the extraction start date back to cover all retrospective data changes.

  • It is strongly recommended that the end date not be set too far into the future. An excessive amount of forward planning might result in manual data corrections. For example, reporting a hire planned for one month into the future might lead to manual data correction in case of a no-show.

Extraction Rollback

Rollback nullifies the extraction runs that failed or contain erroneous data.

Caution: Use the rollback process only when required. Otherwise, the rollback process might jeopardize the synchronization between Oracle HCM Cloud and the third-party payroll system.
Note: You can roll back an entire payroll interface process level or individual employee records within a selected process.

To roll back an entire payroll interface process, submit the roll back process by specifying the name of the payroll interface process to be rolled back as the parameter.

To roll back a selected set of employees from an already completed payroll interface extraction, perform these steps.

Note: The rollback can be performed only on the last completed run.
  1. Navigate to View Flows.

  2. Search for the flow on which the rollback needs to be performed.

  3. Click the process name and go to the process details page.

  4. Select the payroll relationship ID corresponding to the employee to be rolled back, and select Rollback from the Actions menu.

When rolling back multiple processes, roll back the last submitted process first.

Follow these steps to verify if the rollback was successful:

  1. On the Home page, click the Submit a Flow quick action under the My Client Groups tab.

  2. Search for and select the payroll interface process.

  3. No employee records are displayed on the Details page if the entire process was rolled back. If the process was rolled back for some employees, information for those employees is not displayed on this page.