Create a Talent Pools Super User Job Role

In this example, you learn how to create a job role that provides access to all talent pools in the Talent Pools work area.

The following table summarizes the key decisions for this scenario.

Decisions to Consider

In this Example

What's the name of the job role?

Talent Pools Super User

What's the code of the job role?


Which talent pool security profile to add?

View All Talent Pools

Do you want to enable access to Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) subject areas? Yes
What's the name of the role mapping? Access All Talent Pools

How do users acquire the role?

Users with the human resources representative responsibility can provision the role to other users.

Summary of the Tasks

Do these tasks to enable access to all talent pools in the Talent Pools work area:

  1. Copy the Use REST Service - Succession Management Lists of Values role.
  2. Create a job role.

  3. Grant functional security policies to the job role.

  4. Add duty roles to the custom job role.

  5. Create Talent Pool Super User data role.
  6. Enable access to OTBI subject areas.

  7. Create a role mapping.

Copy the Use REST Service - Succession Management Lists of Values Role

  1. Sign in with the IT Security Manager job role or privileges and select Navigator > Tools > Security Console.

  2. On the Roles tab of the Security Console, search for and select the Use REST Service - Succession Management Lists of Values role.

  3. Select the Copy Role action in the search results.
  4. Select the Copy top role option and then click Copy Role.
  5. On the Basic Information page, enter a unique role name and role code. By default, the copied role has the same name as its source role with the Custom suffix.
  6. Click the Data Security Policies train stop.

  7. Select the Remove Data Security Policy action for the Data Grant on Succession Plan Detail policy with the Choose Succession Plan privilege.
  8. Confirm the removal.

  9. Click the Summary train stop.
  10. Click Submit and Close.
  11. Note the process ID in the confirmation message and review the completion of the submitted process on the Role Status tab of the Administration tab of the security console. When the status is Complete, you can add the copied duty role to your custom job role.

Create a Job Role

  1. On the Roles tab of the Security Console, click Create Role.

  2. On the Create Role: Basic Information page, enter the role name Talent Pools Super User.

  3. Enter the role code TALENT_POOLS_SUPER_USER_JOB.

  4. In the Role Category field, select HCM - Job Roles.

  5. Click the Function Security Policies train stop.

Grant Functional Security Policies to the Job Role

  1. On the Function Security Policies page, click Add Function Security Policy to open the Create Function Security Policy dialog box.

  2. In the Create Function Security Policy dialog box, search for HRM_CREATE_TALENT_POOL_PRIV privilege and click Add Privilege to Role.

  3. Close the Create Function Security Policy dialog box.
  4. Click the Role Hierarchy train stop.

Add Duty Roles to the Custom Job Role

  1. On the Role Hierarchy page, click Add Role to open the Add Role Membership dialog box.

  2. In the Add Role Membership dialog box, search for and select the Manage Talent Pool (ORA_HRM_MANAGE_TALENT_POOL) role.

  3. Click Add Role Membership.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for these roles:
    • Access Talent Pool Overview (ORA_HRM_ACCESS_TALENT_POOL_OVERVIEW)
    • The custom role you created by copying the Use REST Service - Succession Management Lists of Values role
  5. Close the Add Role Membership dialog box.

  6. Click the Summary train stop.
  7. Click Save and Close.

Create Talent Pool Super User Data Role

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Workforce Deployment

    • Functional Area: Users and Security

    • Task: Assign Security Profiles to Role

  2. On the Data Roles and Security Profiles page, click Create to create a data role.
  3. On the Create Data Role: Select Role page, specify these values:
    • A unique name for the data role
    • Search and select the job role you earlier created, namely Talent Pools Super User.
  4. Click the Security Criteria train stop.
  5. On the Create Data Role: Security Criteria page, from the Talent Pool Security Profile list, select View All Talent Pools security profile.
  6. Review and submit the data role.

Enable Access to OTBI Subject Areas

To enable users who have the Talent Pools Super User role to access OTBI subject areas for Talent Pools, you add OTBI duty roles to the Talent Pools Super User job role and then regenerate the Talent Pools Super User data role.

  1. Sign in with the IT Security Manager job role or privileges and select Navigator > Tools > Security Console.

  2. On the Roles tab of the Security Console, search for the Talent Pools Super User job role.

  3. In the search results, select Edit Role on the role's Actions menu.

  4. Click the Role Hierarchy train stop and click Add Role.

    The Talent Pools subject area is secured with both the FBI_SUCCESSION_MANAGEMENT_TRANSACTION_ANALYSIS_DUTY role and the FBI_TALENT_REVIEW_TRANSACTION_ANALYSIS_DUTY role. Either of these two duty roles are valid.

  5. If you are using the FBI_SUCCESSION_MANAGEMENT_TRANSACTION_ANALYSIS_DUTY role, search for it in the Add Role Membership dialog box and click Add Role Membership. Next, search for and select the ORA_FBI_SUCCESSION_MANAGEMENT_TRANSACTION_ANALYSIS_DUTY_HCM role and click Add Role Membership.

    If you are using the FBI_TALENT_REVIEW_TRANSACTION_ANALYSIS_DUTY role, search for it in the Add Role Membership dialog box and click Add Role Membership. Next, search for and select the ORA_FBI_TALENT_REVIEW_TRANSACTION_ANALYSIS_DUTY_HCM role and click Add Role Membership.

    To create OTBI reports, you must also have the BIAuthor role.

    Search BI Author Role in the Add Role Membership dialog box, select it and click Add Role Membership.

  6. Close the Add Role Membership dialog box.
  7. Click the Security Criteria train stop.
  8. On the Create Data Role: Security Criteria page, from the Person Security Profile list, select View All People security profile.
  9. Click Save and Close in the Summary train stop.

  10. Regenerate the Talent Pools Super User data role:
    1. Search for the Talent Pools Super User data role.

    2. Select the role in the search results and click Edit.

    3. On the Edit Data Role: Select Role page, click Next.

    4. On the Edit Data Role: Security Criteria page, select a person security profile.

    5. On the Edit Data Role: Security Criteria page, click Review.

    6. On the Edit Data Role: Review page, click Submit.

Create a Role Mapping

You create a role mapping to enable the Talent Pools Super User Job role to be provisioned to users.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Workforce Deployment

    • Functional Area: Users and Security

    • Task: Manage Role Provisioning Rules

  2. On the Role Mapping page, click the Create icon in the Search Results section.

  3. In the Mapping Name field on the Create Role Mapping page, enter Access All Talent Pools.

  4. Complete the fields in the Conditions section as shown in this table.



    HR Assignment Status


    Responsibility Type

    Human resources representative

  5. In the Associated Roles section, click the Add Row icon.

  6. In the Role Name field, search for and select Talent Pools Super User.

  7. Select the Requestable option and deselect the Autoprovision option.

  8. Click Save and Close.

    Users with the human resources representative responsibility can now provision the Talent Pools Super User job role to other users.