Web Services in This Guide

This SOAP web services guide provides details about the business object services, service data objects, and process services.

Business Object Services Information

This table lists the information provided for the business object services in the Business Object Services chapter within this guide.

Information Description
Description Provides an overview of the service and may contain details about service usage and related services.
Life Cycle Status Indicates whether the service is active or deprecated. The status is never indicated as obsolete because obsolete services are not shipped or documented. See Web Service Life Cycle.
QName Holds a unique identifier for the service.
Service WSDL URL Contains the tokenized URL for the concrete service WSDL from your cloud instance. For example, https://(FADomain,CRMServices)/crmService/OpportunityService?WSDL.
Logical Business Objects Contains the business object that the service defines. The service data object may define the business object itself or only a part of it. The logical business objects are grouped into related objects that are in turn grouped into higher-level related objects.

For example, CRM : Opportunity Management : Opportunity.

The service operates on the Opportunity object, which is grouped into a related set of objects called Opportunity Management, which in turn is grouped into a larger set of related objects called CRM. Some assets may have a separate entry for the higher-level grouping, which can be ignored because they are redundant. For example,



CRM:Marketing:Marketing Campaign

Relationships Describes how the service is related to service data objects and other business object services. The relationship type and their relationship target object type include:
  • Handles a service data object. All the service data objects referenced by the service are included.

  • Next version is a business object service. This service is superseded by the service described in the relationship target. For example, the next version of the Marketing Budget Service is Marketing Budget Service Version 2.

  • Previous service is a business object service. This service supersedes another service. For example, the previous version of the Sales Lead Service Version 2 is Sales Lead Service.

To derive the hierarchy of the service data objects, refer to the corresponding service and traverse the Contains relationship type defined on the entity. See Service Data Objects Information.
Operations Contains information about the operations exposed in the service interface on the business object. Information includes the name of the operation, a brief description, life cycle status, and the name, type, and description of elements in request and response payloads.
Security Includes information about the privileges, also known as entitlements, required to perform the service operations. It also provides the mapping of duty roles to the privileges that are granted to them.

Service Data Objects Information

This table lists the information provided for the service data objects in the Service Data Objects chapter within this guide.

Information Description
Description Provides an overview of the service data object.
QName Holds a unique identifier for the service data object.
Logical Business Objects Contains the business object that the service data object defines. The service data object may define the functional business object itself or only a part of it. The logical business objects are grouped into related objects that are in turn grouped into higher-level related objects.
Relationships Describes how the service data object is related to other service data objects and business object services. The list of relationship types and their relationship target object type include:
  • Contained by a service data object. This relationship is the reverse of the Contains type.

  • Contains a service data object. This service data object includes a direct reference to the service data object described in the relationship target. The entity has an attribute which has a type based on the service data object in the relationship target. For example, the Opportunity entity contains the Opportunity Contact.

  • Extended by a service data object. This relationship is the reverse of the Extends type.

  • Extends a service data object. This service data object is a subclass of the entity defined in the relationship target. For example, Expertise extends Partner Generic List of Values by adding two additional attributes, namely Expertise Code and Expertise Name.

  • Handled by a business object service. This relationship is the reverse of the Handles type. See Business Object Services Information.

Attributes Provides the name, type, and description of the attributes that define the service data object. The attribute type is represented as a Java class. See Complex Data Types Defined by Application Development Framework.

Process Services Information

This table lists the information provided for the process services in the Process Services chapter within this guide.

Information Description
Description Provides an overview of the process service.
Life Cycle Status Indicates whether the service is Active or Deprecated. The status is never indicated as Obsolete because obsolete services are not shipped or documented. See Web Service Life Cycle.
Previous version Specifies the process service that was superseded by this service. This is applicable only if the service supersedes another service.
Next Version Specifies the process service that supersedes this service. This is applicable only if the service is superseded by another service.
Logical Business Objects Contains the business object that the service defines. The logical process objects are grouped into related objects that are in turn grouped into higher-level related objects.
Operations Contains information about the operations exposed on the business object. Information includes the name of the operation, a brief description, callback operation name, and service type. It also includes description and type for the input and output payloads.
Related Topics
  • Discovering Web Services
  • Using Developer Connect
  • Using Service Catalog Service
  • Deriving Business Object Service Endpoint and WSDL