QuickPay Absence Entries Summary

Use the Absence Entries page to view on a single page the absence information of your employees passed from the Absences application to the Payroll application.

You can view the Absence Entries Summary page from the QuickPay Summary page.

The page has a summary region from where you can drill down to the details section.

Summary Region

The summary table is a read-only region that displays summarized absence information. It shows the total number of units, for example hours, for an absence, broken down by absence type and employment record.

The region displays:

  • A summary region for each absence record that spans the effective dates entered on the summary page or the QuickPay period dates. If multiple summary sections are displayed, they're sorted by absence start date with latest date at top of table.

  • The absence start and end date plus the ID for the absence.

  • The name of the absence plan, for example Sickness Plan.

  • The total number of units, for example hours, for each absence record such as, entitlement, accrual, discretionary disbursement, and final disbursement.

  • Enables you to search for a specific absence type summary record for one or more time cards.

Use the 'Create Absence' button on the summary table to create an absence record.

Detail Region

A detail region displays the daily information for the selected time card. It will include a breakdown of the time card entries and other information such as costing.

Use the Detail region to:

  • View the detailed information for the selected time card.

  • If multiple time cards are displayed in the summary region, navigate to the detail for the other time cards and quickly compare time card details.

  • Search for a specific time type record.