View the QuickPay Person Process Results

Run QuickPay and view the Person Process Results page from the QuickPay Summary page. Use the process results page to do the following:

  • Drill down into the details for each processed person

  • View the task details and parameters used for submission

  • See all records that completed, has errors, or still to be processed

  • View analytical graphs

Use the Process Results task from the Actions menu on the Payroll Person Search page to generate the Person Process Results page for a person.

The page has three distinct regions as explained here.

Header Region

Use the header region to view static processing information such as Flow Name, Process Name, Payroll Name, Period Name and so on.

Summary Region

Use the summary region to view summary level information concerning the data that's processed or is being processed for the selected person. Information contained within this region includes records processed, errors raised, processing time, and so on. You can also view analytical graphs that display details of the process such as parameters used, the submitting user, and logging information.

Click on an item to view detailed information pertaining to the item. You can view the following information from this region:

  • Error Messages: Displays all the errors that the process has encountered.

  • Record Processing: Displays information regarding total records processed, unprocessed, processing, encountered error, marked for retry, and skipped.

  • Process Status: Displays the start time, finish time, and elapsed time of the process.

Process Results Region

Use the process results region to see the records processed with a brief summary of total values processed. The summary level information is dependent on the process that has been selected. For example, the payroll process shows the Gross and Net payments for each employee, whereas costing process shows the total debits and credits for an employee. You can view the processed information for a list of individuals in a single page.

Use the Actions Menu at the end of each record, to perform any of the following actions on a process:

  • Roll Back

  • Mark for Retry

  • Reversals

  • View Results, such as viewing the Statement of Earnings

  • View Messages