Archive and Report Payroll Information in Multiple Languages

Archive payroll information in multiple languages so that you can generate these archive-based reports as per your language preference.

  • Payroll Register Report

  • Payroll Register Report for the Latest Process

  • Periodic Payroll Register Report

The payroll archive process is part of your payroll cycle flow. If you submit standalone payroll processes, use the Archive Periodic Payroll Results task to archive payroll information.

Before You Begin

Before you run the Archive Periodic Payroll Results task, complete the following:
  • Add the Support for Archive Translation National Language Support Code for archive translation actions parameter in the default group and add the Oracle NLS codes in the Override Value field, so that the report is translated in the language of your preference automatically when you submit the flow.
  • When you submit a report, select the Submitting User check box on the flow setup page. The report is then translated in the language preference of the person submitting the report or flow.

Add Process Configuration Parameter

Add the process configuration parameter, Support for Archive Translation National Language Support Code for archive translation, to your default process configuration group. Add this parameter only once. If you have run the archive task before adding this parameter, roll back the archive process, add the parameter, and rerun the archive task.

Add the Oracle National Language Support (NLS) codes as required in the Override Value field of the process configuration group. Enter NLS codes of the additional languages you require other than the default language.

Apart from the additional languages, the payroll archive data is always archived and stored in the application default language. The default language is generally English, but it can be any other language too.

Complete these steps to add the process configuration parameter and the additional NLS codes to the default process configuration group.
  1. Navigate to My Client Groups > Show More > Payroll > Payroll Process Configuration.
  2. Search for your default Process Configuration Group.

  3. Click Add to add the Support for Archive Translation National Language Support Code for archive translation parameter to the group.

  4. In the Override Value field, enter the NLS codes for the additional languages you require other than the application default language. Use separators if you enter multiple languages.

  5. Click Save and Close.
    The archive process translates the following data that's used to generate the report:
    • Archived payroll information required for the report
    • Static text on the report template

Update User Profile Language Preference

Each user has a language preference code configured within his or her user profile.

Any user who wants to submit the archive-based payroll reports and view the report output in their preferred language must update their default language settings.

To check the user's language setting, navigate to User Preference > Language > Default Language.

You must also add the NLS Code of the preferred language of the submitting user to the Override Value field of the configuration group of the report task or flow.

Submitting User Language

When you submit a flow or report, the report is translated into the language preference of the person submitting the report or flow. If the submitting user doesn’t have a language preference code, the report is generated in the default language.

Follow these steps to generate any of the three archive-based reports in the submitting user's preferred language.
  1. Navigate to My Client Groups > Payroll > Payroll Flow Patterns.

  2. Select the Legislative Data Group and search for the archive-based report task, for example, Run Payroll Register Report flow. You can also search for a flow that includes this report task.
  3. Click Edit.

  4. Under the Tasks tab, select the report task, and click the Edit.

  5. Select the Submitting User check box.

    When you submit the flow or report, the translated report output meets all the translation requirements in the standard output formats of the report, such as MS Excel, PDF, and XML. The MS Excel output displays the data as text.

For more information on translations, refer to the following topics On the Oracle Help Center:
  • National Language Support
  • Oracle National Language Support Codes
  • Language Preference Codes