Overview of Elements for Qatar

Elements are grouped into primary classifications such as Earnings and Voluntary Deductions.

In an HR department you can use the primary classification to identify groups of elements for information and analysis. In a payroll department, the classification control processing, including the sequence in which elements are processed and the balances they feed.

Element templates include the elements, balances, balance feeds, and formulas required for payroll processing. Templates have various rules associated with them which is used to create data based on certain criteria. The template engine receives the values for the rules from the templaye and processes the seeded template structure to create appropriate data that's required.

Using the template infrastructure, Qatar localization has defined its structures for creating a set of elements for earnings, by modifying a global template questionnaire.

When creating an element, the questionnaire that guides you through the creation depends on the classifications slelected for the element itself.

Once you complete the questionnaire and submit the process, the relevant payroll objects are created. You now have the ability to edit these objects to ensure they meet your business equirements.