Tax Withholding Card Reports

Use Tax Withholding card reports to assist you in auditing employee tax info.

Tax Withholding card report

What it does

How you find it

Some examples

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Tax Withholding Card Audit Report

Returns employee tax exemptions and withholding, Pennsylvania Residency Certificates, and other tax info.

It provides a way for you to identify specific values on your employees' tax cards.

Run this report as needed.

  1. From My Client Groups, click Payroll.

  2. Click Submit a Flow.

  3. Search for your US LDG.

  4. Search for and select Tax Withholding Card Audit Report.

It can help you determine which employees are claiming exempt from federal income tax (FIT).

Tax Withholding Card Audit Report in the Help Center

Tax Card Migration Audit Report

Verifies the data on the tax cards after you perform the migration process and identifies any discrepancies.

Run this report after migrating your tax cards.

  1. From My Client Groups, click Payroll.

  2. Click Submit a Flow.

  3. Search for your US LDG.

  4. Search for and select Run Tax Card Migration Audit Report.

Helps you identify migration errors such as:

An employee claimed five allowances on their original card. However, after migration, they now have only two.

Tax Card User Interface Migration (2592797.1) on My Oracle Support

US Payroll Tax Card Component Validation

Helps you validate your employees' tax card components configuration.

Run this report as needed.

  1. From Settings and Actions, click Run Diagnostic Tests.

  2. Search for US Payroll Tax Card Component Validation, and select its check box.

  3. Click Add to Run.

  4. Click Run.

  5. In Diagnostic Test Run Status, click Report.

  • Validate employee Pennsylvania PSD info

  • Identify employees with missing SUI info

  • Find mismatches between work addresses and tax card primary work addresses

  • Identify invalid tax card associations

Diagnostic Tests for the US in the Help Center

US Payroll Tax Card Validation

This report helps you validate that your employee's tax card is setup correctly.

Run this report as needed.

  1. From Settings and Actions, click Run Diagnostic Tests.

  2. Search for US Payroll Tax Card Validation, and select its check box.

  3. Click Add to Run.

  4. Click Run.

  5. In Diagnostic Test Run Status, click Report.

  • Identify employees who don't have tax cards

  • Identify employees missing associations on their tax cards

  • Identify employees with multiple associations for the same payroll relationship

  • Identify employees with duplicate tax cards

  • Check for employees with one assignment mapped to multiple TRUs

Diagnostic Tests for the US in the Help Center