Why can't I delete, end date, or change the processing order of a personal payment method?

You can't make date-effective changes that cause effective records for the default payment method to overlap.

Make sure your change results in a valid default payment method with dates that don't overlap with other payment method records.

Payment methods defined for a person contain date-effective records that allow changes to occur at different points in time. For example, you can define a payment method in advance to start on the date that you specify.

A person's payroll relationship must have only one default payment method in effect at any point in time. If a person has multiple payroll relationships, you must specify a default payment method for each payroll relationship.

You can delete a payment method that hasn't been picked up in a prepayments process or isn't included in any current payroll processes. You must confirm your request by responding to the message. You have the option to cancel or continue. If you continue, the payment method is end dated as of system date minus one day, which makes it no longer effective, and the payment method is no longer on the page view.

If the payment method is included in a current payroll process and you attempt to delete, you get a message with the delete date. For example, if the prepayment process date is 31-May-2022, the message you receive is "This payment method is included in a payroll process. This personal payment method will be deleted on 31-May-2022." You have the option to cancel or continue. If they continue, the PPM is end dated as of the prepayment process date, and the employee no longer sees this payment method on the page after that date. The payment method remains effective and can be viewed on the page until after the process date.