Change a Task Tile Name for a Specific Country by Using Country Codes in the Expression

To change the name of a task tile for everyone in a specific country, you can make country-level customizations. For example, you want to change the Before You Enroll task tile name on the My Benefits page to Your Contacts and Beneficiary Organizations for anyone in the US. For all other countries, the name remains Before You Enroll. Here's how you can change the name using a country code in the expression.

Before you start

Create a Sandbox and Make It Active. Be sure to follow the steps to set up the sandbox for site-level changes and not country-specific changes.

Here's what to do

  1. Go to Navigator > Configuration > Sandboxes.
  2. Enter your sandbox.
  3. Go to and open the page where you want to make the country-level change. For example, to change the New Contact page, go to Me > Benefits.
  4. On the Settings and Actions menu, click Edit Pages.
  5. Confirm that the edit page header has Edit Layer: Site - SITE.
  6. On the View menu, select Source.
  7. On the Structure tab, select the task tile name that you want to change, such as Before You Enroll.
  8. On the Confirm Shared Component Edit dialog box, click Edit.
  9. To make the Show the properties of taskButton icon available, expand the Source pane and select <>taskButton[Close]. Initially, only the Close part of the row is selected and you can't click the icon.
  10. On the Source pane, click the Show the properties of taskButton icon.
  11. On the Component Properties: taskButton dialog box, in Text field, select Expression Builder.
  12. On the Expression Editor dialog box, in the Type a value or expression field, enter the appropriate expression. Here's the expression to change the name Before You Enroll to Your Contacts and Beneficiary Organizations for people in the US:
    #{pageFlowScope.pageTitle eq 'Benefits' and row.label eq 'Before You Enroll' and sessionScope.BEN_LegislationCode eq 'US' ? 'Your Contacts and Beneficiary Organizations.' : row.label}
  13. Click OK.
  14. On the Component Properties dialog box, click Apply.
  15. Click OK.
  16. To render your changes, on the page, click Close.
  17. To verify your changes, on the Sandbox Mode: Edit menu, select Preview as if Published (Context: All).
  18. To publish your changes, on the <YourSandboxName> menu, select Publish.