Hide a Quick Action for People with a Specific Role

To prevent some benefits administrators from completing certain actions, you can hide the quick action from them.

Before you start

  1. Create a custom job role.
  2. Create a data role for the new job role.
  3. Attach the new data role to the person you'll be signing in as.
  4. Sign in as the person with the new data role.
  5. Create a Sandbox and Make It Active

Here's what to do

  1. Go to Navigator > Configuration > Sandboxes.
  2. Enter your sandbox.
  3. Go to Navigator > Configuration > Structure.
  4. On the Structure page, click the appropriate node, such as My Client Groups.
  5. On the Edit Group page, click the Quick Actions tab.
  6. Expand the appropriate node, such as Benefits.
  7. Click the quick action you want to hide, such as People to Cover.
  8. On the Edit Quick Action dialog box, in the Visibile field, select Expression Builder.
  9. On the Expression Editor dialog box, in the Type a value or expression field, enter the appropriate expression. This example expression hide the quick action from the fictious SS_BEN_DATA_ROLE_DATA data role:
    #{Profile.values.BEN_ADMINISTRATIVE_ENROLLMENT_RESPONSIVE_ENABLED eq 'Y' and Profile.values.HCM_RESPONSIVE_PAGES_ENABLED eq 'Y' and securityContext.userInRole['SS_BEN_DATA_ROLE_DATA']}
  10. Click OK.
  11. Click Save and Close.
  12. On the Structure page, click Save and Close.
  13. To verify your changes, on the Sandbox Mode: Edit menu, select Preview as if Published (Context: All).
  14. To publish your changes, on the <YourSandboxName> menu, select Publish.