Examples of How FTE and Salary Amount Changes Work

These examples show how a full-time equivalent (FTE) change affects an annual salary. The effect depends on the salary basis frequency and whether you use components to itemize the salary adjustment.

In both examples, you make these changes:

  1. Change the person's FTE from 1.0 to 0.5 starting on July 1, 2019 using the Manage Employment task.
  2. Add a salary change that also starts on July 1, 2019 using the Salary task.

Or make an assignment and a salary change together starting on July 1, 2019 using the Change Working Hours task.

Changes to a Monthly Salary Basis

Because you're using the same start date, the salary calculations automatically adjust all the salary amounts and related metrics using the new 0.75 FTE.

Salary Info Previous Value New Value
FTE 1 0.75
Salary Amount 10,000 7,500
Adjustment Amount NA 0
Adjustment Percentage NA 0
Annual Salary 120,000 90,000
Annualized Full-Time Salary 120,000 120,000
Salary Range 10,000-20,000 7,500-15,000
Compa-Ratio 66.67 66.67
Range Position 0 0
Quartile 1 1
Quintile 1 1

Changes to an Hourly Salary Basis

The calculations use the 2080 annualization factor and the new 0.75 FTE. The calculations don't automatically adjust the salary amount because FTE doesn't affect hourly periodicities the way it affects all other periodicities.

Salary Info Previous Value New Value
FTE 1 0.75
Salary Amount 50 50
Adjustment Amount NA 0
Adjustment Percentage NA 0
Annual Salary 104,000 78,000
Annualized Full-Time Salary 104,000 104,000
Salary Range 10,000-20,000 7,500-15,000
Compa-Ratio 66.67 66.67
Range Position 0 0
Quartile 1 1
Quintile 1 1

Changes to an Annual Frequency Incremental Salary Basis

When you change the FTE for an incremental salary basis with an annual frequency, such as from 1 to 0.75, the salary info adjusts. And the incremental component values get set to 0.

Salary Info Previous Value New Value
FTE 1 0.75
Salary Amount 100,000 75,000
Annual Salary 100,000 75,000
Annualized Full-Time Salary 100,000 100,000
Salary Range 50,000-1500,000 37,500-112,500
Compa-Ratio 100 100
Range Position 50 50
Quartile 3 3
Quintile 3 3

Incremental Components Table

Incremental Component Previous Value New Values
Adjustment 10,000 0
Cost of Living 5,000 0
Equity 5,000 0
Location 10,000 0
Market 10,000 0
Merit 60,000 0