Example of Loading Event Actions for HCM Rates Recalculation

An event action defines how to react to an event, for example, whether to calculate rates when a worker's job or element entries change.

This topic shows how to create an event action using HCM Data Loader. The following rules apply:

  • Enable flex information for the generate rates event action by setting FLEX:PAY_EVENT_ACTIONS_DDF to ORA_HCM_RATES_RECALC
  • Set the ProcessingType to PAY_EVENT_ACTIONS_DDF=ORA_HCM_RATES_RECALC to indicate this as a rates action type.
  • Set the ProcessingType to ORA_FULL to indicate the generate rates process should be run in the ‘Full’ mode. You also have the option to the run the generate rates process in ‘Fast’ and ‘Periodic’ modes.
  • It is recommended the ActionSubmission is set to MESS.
    Note: This indicates the rates process will be submitted manually using the new ‘Process Event Action’ flow. This flow will submit the rates process for all employees who have an unprocessed rates event notification. You can validate the rate results using the reports generated by the ‘Process Event Action’. You also have the option to automatically submit the rates process each time an event notification is raised for an employee, but no reports are generated for this type of action submission.
  • Provide a name for your event action using the EventActionName attribute.
  • Set EventActionTypeCode to ORA_HCM_RATES_RECALC
  • Provide a code for your event action using the EventActionCode attribute.
  • Set the InformationCategory to ORA_HCM_RATES_RECALC

Let’s consider an example where you want to create an event action to submit the HCM Rates Recalculation process. This example EventAction.dat file creates a single Event Action component, which is identified by its user key.
