Example of Loading Static Time Definition

Load static time definitions to create recurring patterns of dates, such as overtime periods. These definitions can be static periods of unusual length based on a given date or they can generate dates based on dynamic variables.

A company's overtime period is a standard five day work week. You create a static time definition with a weekly frequency that generates time periods for 3 years.

METADATA|PayrollTimeDefinition|TimeDefinitionCode|DefinitionName|StartDate|DayAdjustment|DefinitionType|NumberOfYears|PeriodType|PeriodUnit|BaseTimeDefinitionCode|DatabaseItemCode|PeriodTimeDefinitionCode|AdjustmentType|LegislativeDataGroupName MERGE|PayrollTimeDefinition|RPGP_HDL_TD_002|RPGP_HDL_TD_002|2016/01/01||Static time definition|2|Monthly||||||ABC US LDG