Examples of Loading Collective Agreements

A collective agreement is a written agreement between an employer and a union or bargaining unit. It defines terms and conditions of employment for the represented workers. The terms used to refer to collective agreements may vary by country.

Generally, the agreement is for a specified term. This topic describes aspects of the Collective Agreement object that you must understand to load them successfully using HCM Data Loader.

Preparing to Load Collective Agreements

A collective agreement is country-specific. Therefore, LegislationCode is a required attribute of the Collective Agreement object.

You can associate any combination of a union, a bargaining unit, and a legal employer with the collective agreement. For example, you can associate a collective agreement with a union or with both a union and a legal employer. Any union, bargaining unit, or legal employer associated with collective agreements must exist in the target environment before you load those collective agreements.

Creating Collective Agreements

You supply collective agreements data in the CollectiveAgreements.dat file for processing by HCM Data Loader. This example CollectiveAgreements.dat file creates a collective agreement using source keys. The collective agreement is associated with a union, a bargaining unit, and a legal employer.

MERGE|CollectiveAgreements|VISION|VISCAGR01|SEIU UHW Medical Social Workers (California, Northern)|Service Employees International Union|2010/01/01|4712/12/31|A|SEIU_UHW_MSW_CA_N|Vision Corporation|US|Collective Agreement covering the medical social workers in northern California affiliated to the Service Employees International Union.|BU_SEIU_UHW_MSW_CA_N|Vision Corporation|John Gorman|Vision Corporation|Jane Reifer

This example CollectiveAgreements.dat file creates a collective agreement using user keys. The collective agreement is associated with a union, a bargaining unit, and a legal employer.

MERGE|CollectiveAgreements|SEIU UHW Medical Social Workers (California, Northern)|Service Employees International Union|2010/01/01|4712/12/31|A|SEIU_UHW_MSW_CA_N|Vision Corporation|US|Collective Agreement covering the medical social workers in northern California affiliated to the Service Employees International Union.|BU_SEIU_UHW_MSW_CA_N|Vision Corporation|John Gorman|Vision Corporation|Jane Reifer

You can't load attachments for collective agreements using HCM Data Loader.

Updating Collective Agreements

You can't change either the first effective start date or last effective end date for an existing collective agreement record. Therefore, create your collective agreement records with an effective start date on or before the start date of any record that references them.

If the collective agreement is linked to an assignment, then you can't edit the IdentificationCode, LegislationCode, BargainingUnitCode, LegalEmployerName, or LegalEntityId attributes.

Loading Translated Collective Agreement Names

This example CollectiveAgreementsTranslation.dat file translates the name of an existing collective agreement. It identifies the existing record using source keys.

MERGE|CollectiveAgreementsTranslation|VISION|VISCAGR01|2001/01/01|4712/12/31|FR|SEIU UHW Travailleurs sociaux medicaux (Californie, Nord)|Convention collective couvrant les travailleurs sociaux medicaux dans le nord de la Californie affiliee a l'Union internationale des employes du service.