Examples of Loading Performance Documents

You can load performance documents in bulk using HCM Data Loader. This topic shows you how to load Performance Document objects with attachment, participant, section ratings, and comment components. In the examples, all components are referenced by their user keys.

The Operation attribute you specify determines the action to apply. This table lists valid operation values defined in the Performance Administration Action lookup (ORA_HRA_ADMIN_ACTION) and tells you about any dependencies.

Operation Value Notes
ORA_CREATE_PD Creates a performance document. This action requires that performance template period and worker assignment exist.
ORA_COMPLETE_PD Completes a performance document. This action requires that a performance document already exists.
ORA_CANCEL_PD Cancels a performance document. This action requires that a performance document already exists.
ORA_DELETE_PD Deletes a performance document. This action requires that a performance document already exists and its status is Canceled.
ORA_CALC_MANAGER_RATING Updates manager calculated section ratings in performance documents. This action requires that a performance document already exists.
ORA_ADD_PARTICIPANT Creates or deletes participants for performance documents. This action requires that a performance document already exists.
ORA_ATTACH_PD Creates or deletes attachments for performance documents. This action requires that a performance document already exists.
ORA_TRANSFER_PD Transfers performance documents between managers. This action requires that a performance document already exists and the same performance document doesn't already exist on the assignment that it’s being transferred to.
ORA_UPDATE_MODEL_PROFILE_IN_PD Updates model profile competency sections in performance documents with new competencies. This action requires that a performance document already exists.
ORA_SYNC_PD Synchronizes goals in performance documents with the employee’s goal plan. This action requires that a performance document already exists.
ORA_RATING_PD Provides section ratings and comments in performance documents. This action requires that a performance document already exists.
ORA_UPDATE_PERS_PROFILE_IN_PD Synchronizes competencies in person profile competency sections in performance documents with the employee’s Talent profile. This action requires that a performance document already exists.
ORA_CALCULATED_RATING_PD Updates calculated section ratings in performance documents used by All-in-One Evaluations. This action requires that a performance document already exists.
ORA_SUBMIT_PD Submits manager evaluation tasks in performance documents used by All-in-One Evaluations. This action requires that a performance document already exists.
ORA_SUBMIT_PD_IGNORE_WARNING Submits manager evaluation tasks and ignores processing warnings in performance documents used by All-in-One Evaluations. This action requires that a performance document already exists.

Loading Performance Documents

This example PerfDocComplete.dat file creates a performance document for a specified worker assignment.

MERGE|PerfDocComplete|E121468|Annual Evaluation|2023/01/01|2023/12/31|ORA_CREATE_PD|EEEE8153756

The performance template contains default values for start date, end date, and manager assignment number that populate when you create the document. To override the defaults, simply provide your own values in the .dat file.

Note: If you need to mass update participants or attachments, you must delete and load them again using HCM Data Loader.

Loading Attachments

This example PerfDocComplete.dat file loads an attachment to an existing performance document.

MERGE|PerfDocComplete|EEEE8153772|Annual Evaluation|ORA_ATTACH_PD
MERGE|Attachment|Annual Evaluation|EEEE8153772|JBlum Resume|FILE|jblum.txt|text/plain|jblum.txt|Jorge Blum Resume

These rules apply when you load attachments:

  • You must include the parent performance document in the PerfDocComplete.dat file. Set the Operation attribute to ORA_ATTACH_PD for both MERGE and DELETE instructions for the Attachment component.

  • The MimeType value is the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) value, as defined and standardized by the Internet Engineering Task Force in RFC 6838.

  • The attachment itself is a binary large object, referenced by the File attribute. You include the attachment in the BlobFiles folder in the .zip file that you upload.

  • You can only bulk delete attachments and load them again. Update action isn't supported.

Loading Participants

This example PerfDocComplete.dat file deletes a participant record from an existing performance document.

MERGE|PerfDocComplete|EEEE8153772|Annual Evaluation|ORA_ADD_PARTICIPANT
DELETE|Participant|EEEE8153772|Annual Evaluation|Colleague|ZHRA-8154961

These rules apply when you load participants:

  • When you create participants, the parent performance document must already exist. You can't perform two actions on the .dat file. For example, you can’t create performance document and add a participant in the same PerfDocComplete.dat file.
  • You must include the parent performance document in the PerfDocComplete.dat file. Set the Operation attribute to ORA_ADD_PARTICIPANT for both MERGE and DELETE instructions for the Participants component.
  • The participant person record, as identified by the ParticipantPersonNumber attribute value, must already exist.
  • The ParticipantRoleTypeCode value must have been selected in the performance template.
  • You can only bulk delete participants and load them again. Update action isn't supported.
  • When deleting participants in a performance document, you must set the ForceDelete optional parameter to Y if the feedback status is anything other than Request Not Sent (REQUEST_NOT_SENT) or Not Started (NOTSTR). This additional parameter ensures the user understands that completed feedback is deleted and can't be recovered.
  • If you want the participant to be sent a notification to provide feedback as part of the data load, set the Send Notifications to Mass Load Participants process to Yes. You can enter a message for the notification in the Message attribute.

Loading Performance Document Section Ratings and Comments

This example PerfDocComplete.dat file updates existing section ratings and comments of worker, manager, and participants. This applies to all sections where section ratings or comments, or both section ratings and comments, are enabled.

MERGE|PerfDocComplete|EEEE8153805|360 WKR and MGR allow to select and request participants-2017|ORA_RATING_PD
MERGE|RatingsAndComments|EEEE8153805|360 WKR and MGR allow to select and request participants-2017|8153793|Manager|ZHRA-Competency Section|REG|ZHRA-Outstanding|Manager Comments
MERGE|RatingsAndComments|EEEE8153805|360 WKR and MGR allow to select and request participants-2017|8153818|Worker|ZHRA-Competency Section|REG|ZHRA-Expert|Worker Comments

These are the general considerations for loading performance document section ratings and comments:

  • You can use HDL to load performance document section ratings and comments when more than one performance document needs updating.
  • You can only update goal or competency section and overall summary ratings, and section comments.
  • Use the update action to enter, change, or remove section ratings and comments.