Examples of Loading Resource Exceptions

A resource exception is a deviation in availability from a work schedule or schedule assignment. The resource exception defines when a resource is unavailable. For example, a worker may be attending training and therefore unavailable between specified dates.

You create resource exceptions, which are optional, for specific work schedules or schedule assignments. The work schedule or schedule assignment must exist before you can create an associated resource exception. This topic provides examples showing how to load Resource Exception objects using HCM Data Loader.

Creating Resource Exceptions

This example ResourceException.dat file creates a resource exception for a hospital appointment. It identifies the resource exception by its source key.

MERGE|ResourceException|VISION|RE_VISION_HOSPITAL|Hospital Appointment|2015/08/15 08:00:00|2015/08/15 17:00:00

Deleting Resource Exceptions

You can delete a Resource Exception object using HCM Data Loader, provided that it's not referred to by a work schedule. This example ResourceException.dat file deletes an unused resource exception. It identifies the resource exception by its source key.
