Guidelines for Loading Retiree Reporting Information Cards for the US

The Retiree Reporting Information component on a retiree’s Reporting Information card provides optional information for your Forms 1099-R.

Create a Calculation Card record for every Retiree you are maintaining data for Form 1099-R. Even if you are updating an existing calculation card and the calculation card itself is not being updated, still include the calculation card record to group other related data supplied in the file.

Reporting Information Calculation Card Attributes

The Reporting Information calculation card for retirees uses these attributes:

HCM Data Loader Attribute Alternative User Key Attributes Functional Description
SourceSystemId CardSequence, AssignmentNumber, DirCardDefinitionName, LegislativeDataGroupName A unique identifier for the Reporting Information calculation card. For new calculation card supply the source key attributes. You can also identify calculation cards with the user key attributes.
SourceSystemOwner N/A The name of the source system owner used to generate the source system ID.
LegislativeDataGroupName N/A The name of the legislative data group for the calculation card.
DirCardDefinitionName N/A The name of the card definition. Specify ‘Reporting Information’
CardSeqeunce N/A A number to uniquely identify this card when multiple calculation cards for the same card definition exist for the employee. Not required when source keys are used.
AssignmentId(SourceSystemId) AssignmentNumber Either supply the source system ID, or assignment number that identifies the employee assignment this calculation card is for.
EffectiveStartDate N/A The start date of the calculation card.

These attributes are supplied against the CalculationCard file discriminator.

Card Component Attributes for Reporting Information

The Retiree Reporting Information Card Component uses these attributes:

HCM Data Loader Attribute Alternative User Key Attributes Functional Description
SourceSystemId CardSequence, ComponentSequence, AssignmentNumber, DirCardDefinitionName, LegislativeDataGroupName, DirCardCompDefName A unique identifier for the RetireeReporting Information card component. For new card components supply the source key attributes. You can also identify card components with the user key attributes.
SourceSystemOwner N/A The name of the source system owner used to generate the source system ID.
LegislativeDataGroupName N/A The name of the legislative data group for the card component definition.
DirCardId(SourceSystemId) CardSequence, AssignmentNumber, DirCardDefinitionName, LegislativeDataGroupName

The parent Reporting Information calculation card should be identified by using the same key type used to identify the calculation card.

When using source keys, supply this attribute with the value supplied for the calculation card’s SourceSystemId attribute. Otherwise, supply the user key attributes with the same values as the parent calculation card.
EffectiveStartDate N/A

The start date of the Retiree Reporting Information card component, typically the employee’s start date. This must be the same as the EffectiveStartDate on the Reporting Information calculation card.

If updating an existing Retiree Reporting Information card component, the effective start date must be original start date of the component.

EffectiveEndDate N/A The end date is optional for the card component.
DirCardCompDefName N/A The component definition name. Specify ‘Retiree Reporting Information’.
ComponentSequence N/A The number to uniquely identify this card component when multiple card components with the same DirCardCompDefName exist. Not required when source keys are used.
Context1 N/A The surrogate ID of the tax reporting unit for the retiree. Refer to the Cloud Customer Connect topic Template: BI Publisher Report: Tax Reporting Units by Legislation for a report that extracts the tax reporting units and their surrogate ID values for the specified legislation.

These attributes are supplied against the CardComponent file discriminator and must be supplied along with a CalculationCard record for the parent Reporting Information card.

Value Definitions for Retiree Reporting Information

This table lists the value definitions applicable to the Retiree Reporting Information card component.

Value Definition Name Functional Description
Account Number The payers account number for the payee. Enter a number that can be used as a unique identifier on the original payee 1099-R.
Annuity Percentage The percentage will be entered if an annuity contract is part of a multiple recipient lump-sum distribution. Specify the value as a number, such as 10 for 10%.
FATCA Filing Requirements The FATCA Filing requirement is for when banks issue 1099-INT forms. Specify Y or N.
First Year of Designated Roth Contribution The first year a designated Roth contribution was made. Specify the four-digit year, such as 2018.
Taxable Amount not Determined The payer was unable to determine the taxable amount of the employee’s distribution. Specify Y or N.
Total Distribution The distribution is for a total distribution. Specify Y or N.
Total Distribution Percentage The percentage of the total distribution if split between more than one person. Specify the value as a number, such as 10 for 10%.
Traditional, SEP or SIMPLE IRA The employee is taking regular payments from a traditional, Sep, or SIMPLE IRA. Specify Y or N.

Calculation Value Definition Attributes

The Calculation Value Definition record type specifies the name of the value definition you are supplying an override value for. The Calculation Value Definition record type uses these attributes:

HCM Data Loader Attribute Alternative User Key Attributes Functional Description
SourceSystemId CardSequence, ComponentSequence, AssignmentNumber, DirCardDefinitionName, LegislativeDataGroupName, DirCardCompDefName A unique identifier for the calculation value definition record. For new records supply the source key attributes. You can also identify calculation value definition records with the user key attributes.
SourceSystemOwner N/A The name of the source system owner used to generate the source system ID.
LegislativeDataGroupName N/A The name of the legislative data group for the card component definition.
SourceId(SourceSystemId) CardSequence, ComponentSequence, AssignmentNumber, DirCardDefinitionName, LegislativeDataGroupName, DirCardCompDefName

The parent Retiree Reporting Information card component should be referenced by using the same key type used to identify the card component. When using source keys, supply this attribute with the value supplied for the card component’s SourceSystemId attribute. Otherwise, supply the user key attributes with the same values as the parent card component.

EffectiveStartDate N/A The start date of the parent Retiree Reporting Information card component or the date the calculation value definition starts, if later.
DirCardCompDefName N/A The definition name of the parent Retiree Reporting Information card component.
ValueDefinitionName N/A The name of the value being overridden. The list of value definitions applicable to this card component are listed above.

These attributes are supplied against the CalculationValueDefinition file discriminator and must be supplied along with a CardComponent record for the parent Regional Tax Information card component and a CalculationCard record for the owning Reporting Information card.

Enterable Calculation Value Attributes for Regional Tax Information

The Enterable Calculation Value provides the override value for the value definition. It references the Calculation Value Definition record which defines the Value Definition being overridden.

The Enterable Calculation Value record type uses these attributes:

HCM Data Loader Attribute Alternative User Key Attributes Functional Description
SourceSystemId CardSequence, ComponentSequence, AssignmentNumber, DirCardDefinitionName, LegislativeDataGroupName, DirCardCompDefName A unique identifier for the enterable calculation value record. For new records supply the source key attributes. You can also identify calculation value definition records with the user key attributes.
SourceSystemOwner N/A The name of the source system owner used to generate the source system ID.
LegislativeDataGroupName N/A The name of the legislative data group for the override value.
ValueDefnIdSourceSystemId) CardSequence, ComponentSequence, AssignmentNumber, DirCardDefinitionName, LegislativeDataGroupName, DirCardCompDefName, ValueDefinitionName

Identify the parent Calculation Value Definition record using the same key type used to identify the calculation value definition.

When using source keys, supply this attribute with the value supplied for the calculation value definition’s SourceSystemId attribute. Otherwise, supply the user key attributes with the same values as the parent record.
EffectiveStartDate N/A The effective start date of the parent calculation value definition record, or the update to the override value if supplying date-effective history.
EffectiveEndDate AssignmentNumber The optional end date of the override value, or if you are providing date-effective history, the last day of the date-effective changes.
Value1 N/A The value for the value definition identified by the parent calculation value definition record.

Reporting Information Card Association Attributes

The card association record should be supplied along with the Calculation Card record for the Reporting Information card the association is for.

The Card Association uses these attributes:

HCM Data Loader Attribute Alternative User Key Attributes Functional Description
SourceSystemId CardSequence, TaxReportingUnitName, LegislativeDataGroupName, AssignmentNumber, DirCardDefinitionName A unique identifier for the Reporting Information card association. For new card associations supply the source key attributes. You can also identify card components with the user key attributes.
SourceSystemOwner N/A The name of the source system owner used to generate the source system ID.
DirCardId(SourceSystemId) CardSequence, AssignmentNumber, DirCardDefinitionName, LegislativeDataGroupName

The parent Reporting Information calculation card should be identified by using the same key type used to identify the calculation card.

When using source keys, supply this attribute with the value supplied for the calculation card’s SourceSystemId attribute. Otherwise, supply the user key attributes with the same values as the parent calculation card
EffectiveStartDate N/A The start date of the card association or the update to the card association if you are providing date-effective history. This must be after or equal to the EffectiveStartDate provided for the Reporting Information calculation card.
LegislativeDataGroupName N/A The name of the legislative data group for the card definition. If source keys are used to identify the card association, you must still specify the LegislativeDataGroupName attribute to identify the tax reporting unit.
TaxReportingUnitName N/A The name of the tax reporting unit to associate with the Tax Withholding calculation card.

These attributes are supplied against the CardAssociation discriminator.

Card Association Details

The card association details record associates the Retiree Reporting Information card component with the retiree’s assignments.

If the retiree has more than one payroll assignment provide a card association detail record for each payroll assignment.

The Card Association Detail record type uses these attributes:

HCM Data Loader Attribute Alternative User Key Attributes Functional Description
SourceSystemId CardSequence, TaxReportingUnitName, LegislativeDataGroupName, AssignmentNumber, DirCardDefinitionName A unique identifier for the card association detail record. For new card associations supply the source key attributes. You can also identify card components with the user key attributes.
SourceSystemOwner N/A The name of the source system owner used to generate the source system ID.
LegislativeDataGroupName N/A The name of the legislative data group for the card definition.
DirCardId(SourceSystemId) CardSequence, TaxReportingUnitName, LegislativeDataGroupName, AssignmentNumber, DirCardDefinitionName

The parent card association record should be identified by using the same key type supplied to against the card association.

When using source keys, supply this attribute with the value supplied for the card’s association SourceSystemId attribute. Otherwise, supply the user key attributes with the same values as the parent card association.
EffectiveStartDate N/A The effective start date of the card association.
EffectiveEndDate N/A The effective end date of the card association.
DirCardCompId(SourceSystemId) CardSequence, ComponentSequence, AssignmentNumber, DirCardDefinitionName, LegislativeDataGroupName, DirCardCompDefName Identify the Retiree Reporting Information card component.
AssociationAssignmentId(SourceSystemId) AssociationAssignmentNumber Identify the employee’s assignment to associate with card component.

These attributes are supplied against the CardAssociationDetail discriminator.