How Completion and Sequencing Rules Map to Learning Section Attributes in CourseV3

These OfferingV3 attributes support section-level completion and sequencing rules in the CourseV3.dat file.

Attribute Description Valid Values Business Rules
CompletionRuleType Determines whether the completion rule is defined at the Section or Activity level ORA_COMPLETION_ACTIVITY or ORA_COMPLETION_SECTION When you use ORA_COMPLETION_SECTION, you need to provide a valid NumberOfActivitiesToComplete value.
NumberOfActivitiesToComplete Number of activities a learner needs to complete, to complete the section when CompletionRuleType is Section

When all section activities are required: -1

Otherwise a numeric value between 0 and n where n is the total number of section activities.

The specified value can't exceed the total number of activities.

When CompletionRuleType is ORA_COMPLETION_ACTIVITY, the load process ignores any value that you provide.

SequenceRuleType Determines when a learner can access the section

ORA_SECTION_ANYTIME: Learner can access the section anytime

ORA_SECTION_PREVIOUS: Learner can access the section only after completing the preceding section

ORA_SECTION_AFTER_COMPL: Learner can access the section only after completing a specific section identified using the SequenceRuleSectionNumber attribute

You can't use ORA_SECTION_PREVIOUS when no previous section exists.

When you use ORA_SECTION_AFTER_COMPL, you need to provide a valid SequenceRuleSectionNumber value.

Make sure that you don't define any cyclic dependencies between the sections, such as section A depends on section B and section B depends on section A.

SequenceRuleSectionNumber Determines the predecessor section that a learner needs to complete before they can access this section when SequenceRuleType is ORA_SECTION_AFTER_COMPL The number of a section that exists in the parent offering When SequenceRuleType is ORA_SECTION_AFTER_COMPL, you need to provide a valid SequenceRuleSectionNumber value. Otherwise, the load process ignores any provided value.