Overview of Employee Earnings Distribution Overrides Card

The Employee Earnings Distribution Overrides calculation card is used to derive the percentage of earnings to be distributed over different jurisdictions.

Data entered on the calculation card can be entered at three geography levels:

  • State
  • County
  • City

This card must be created for each payroll relationship the employee is in. Details are captured on the Regional component. For example, you may create a Regional component to distribute 50% of an employee’s earnings to a different state.

Extracting the Surrogate ID of the Tax Reporting Unit

The component sequence for the organization calculation card component is the surrogate ID of the tax reporting unit. It is an application-generated value to uniquely identify the tax reporting unit. You may use the Tax Reporting Unit BI Publisher report to extract your tax reporting units and their surrogate ID values.
Note: The value may be different on different environments. For example, the value on the production environment may be different from the one on the test environment.

Employee Earnings Distribution Overrides Record Types

The Employee Earnings Distribution Overrides calculation card is uploaded with HCM Data Loader using the Global Payroll Calculation Card business object. This generic object hierarchy provides record types to support the various country-specific requirements. The Employee Earnings Distribution Overrides card utilizes the following record types:

Record Types for Employee Earnings Distribution Overrides Card

Component Functional Description File Discriminator
Calculation Card Defines the calculation card type and the employee assignment that it captures information for. CalculationCard
Card Component Used to group and segregate data required by the calculation card. The following sections describe the card components applicable to this calculation card and the child records that are required for each card component. CardComponent
Component Detail Supply a component detail record for each flexfield context required by each card component. ComponentDetail

Employee Earnings Distribution Overrides Card Hierarchy

The hierarchy of Calculation Card components applicable to Employee Earnings Distribution Overrides is described in this diagram, which includes the state, county and city component groups:

Calculation Card: Employee Earnings Distribution